Olympic Cavalcade

------ ---- -- - - OLYMPIC CAVALCADE Winners at the Olympic Game, Stockholm, I9FL-contd. Athletics: Men:- contd. Standing High Jump Long Jump Standjng Long Jump Hop, Step and Jump Pole Vault - Throwing the Javelin-Free Style (both hauas) - Throwing the Bjscns -. Throwing the Discus (both hands) Putting the Weight- I6lbs. ~ (Individual) Putting the Weight- I6lbs. (both har1ds) _ Throwing the Hammer - Pentathlon Cycling:- - - Road Race-Individual . Road Race-Team Equestrian Ev_ents: 3 Days Event- Individual 3 Days Event-Team Dressage--Individual Jumpi_ng-:-Itidiyidual r. P. Aclains (U.S.A.) 5 ft. 4t in. I. A. L. Gutterson (U.S.A.) 24ft. rr! in. . 2. C. D. Bricker-(Canada). 3· G. Aberg (Sweden). c. Tsicilitiras (Gre~ce) I I ft. o! in. I. G. Lindbloln (Sweden) 48ft: 5l in. 2. G. Aberg (Sweden). ' - 3· E. Almlof (Sweden). I. H. S. Badcock (U.S.A.) I2 ft. rrf in. _ { F. T. Nelson (U.S.A.) } t· d 2 " M. S. Wright (U.S.fo_.) 1 e · _ 1.- E. V. Lemming (Sweden) I98 ft. rr! in. 2. J. Saaristo (Finland). 3· M. Kovac_? (Hungary). J. J. Saaristo-(Finland) _ Rt. hand 2ooft. I"57 in. } 358 ft. 11 • 86 in-. Lt. hand I 58ft. I0"29 in. -= r. A. }\. Taipale (Finland) 148ft. 3-fo in. 2. R. L. Byrd (U.S.A.): 3· J. H. Duncan (U.S.A.)._ A. R. Taipale (Fi11land). Rt. hand I46 ft. 7<fo in.} f: . - Lt. hand q5 ft. 3-f<J in. 2 7I t. IO"I9 m. r. P. MacD6nalcl (U.S.A.) 5oft. 4 in. 2. R. W. oRose (U:S.A.). 3· L. A. Whitney (U.S.A.). R. Rose (U.S.A.). Rt. Hancf 49 ft. I I·6 in. } fi - Lt. Hand 40ft. 10·9 in. 9o t. I0"5 111 " I. M. I- McGrath (U.S.A.) I79 ft. 7 in. 2. D. Gills-(C1mada). _ - - 3· c. c. -chi~ds- (U.S.A.). - 1. H.-Wieslander (Sweden). 2. C. Lo~berg (Sweden). 3· G. Holmer (Sweden). F. R. Bie (N()rway) a.I points. R.- Lewis -(S~ Africa). Sweden. - Lt. No~lander- (Sweden). Sweden. Count G. Bonde (Sweden). Captain J. Cariou (France). J · _Jumping-'f-eai?- _ '"' Sweden. ~ ~