Olympic Cavalcade

SEVENTH OLYMPIAD, ANTWERP, BELGIUM, 1920 Winners at the Olympic Games, Antwerp, I92o--contd. Rowing: Single Sculls Double Sculls Coxswained Pairs Coxswained Fours Eights Swimming: IOO Metres Free Ioo Metres Back 200 Metres Breast 400 Metres Free I5oo Metres Free 8oo Metres Relay Springboard Diving Water Polo 400 Metres Breast High Diving (Plain) High Diving (Fancy) Wrestling: Catch-as-Catch-Can: Feather-weight Light-weight Middle-weight Heavy-weight Wrestling Greco-Roman: Feather-weight Light-weight Middle-weight Welter-weight Heavy-weight J. B. Kelly (U.S.A,.). J. B. Kelly and P. Costello (U.S.A.). E. Olgeni and G. Scatturin (Italy). Switzerland. U.S.A. I. D. Kahanamoku (U.S.A.) I m. I'4 s. 2. P. Kealoha (U.S.A.). 3· W. Harris (U.S.A.). 1. W. Kealoha (U.S.A.) I m. I 5'2 s. 2. R. Kegeris (U.S.A.) 3· G. Blitz (Belgium). 1. H. Malmroth (Sweden) 3 m. 4'4 s. 2. T. Henning (Sweden). 3· A. Aaltonen (Finland). 1. N. Ross (U.S.A.) 5 m. 26·8 s. 2. L. Langer (U.S.A.). 3· G. Vernot (Canada). 1. N. Ross (U.S.A.) 22 m. 23·2 s. 2. G. Vernot (~anada). 3· F. Beaurepaire (Australia). 1. U.S.A. Io m. 7'4 s. 2. Australia. 3· Great Britain. 1. L. Kuehn (U.S.A.). 2. C. Pinkston (U.S.A.). 3· L. Balbach (U.S.A.). I. Great Britain. 2. Belgium. 3· Sweden. H. Malmroth (Sweden) 6 m. 3I·8 s. A. Wallman (Sweden). C. Pinkston (U.S.A.). Ackerley (U.S.A.). K. Anttila (Finland). ·Leino (Finland). Roth (Switzerland). 0. Friman (Finland). E. Ware (Finland). C. 0. Westergren (Sweden). C: Johansson (Sweden). A. Lindfors (Finland) ' 125