Olympic Cavalcade

OLYMPIC CAVALCADE the beginning of June arid was,- in most respec:ts, successful, particularly so from the point of view of gate money, since vast crowds assembled at the Colombes Stadium -for every match. · The countries represented were Italy, Spain, U.S.A., Estonia, Switzer– land, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Uruguay, Yugoslavia, Sweden; Portugal, France, Latvia, Holland, Rumania,- the . Irish Free State, Bulgari-a, Egypt, Luxembourg and Belgium. In the Final, Uruguay defeated Switzerland 3-"-0. The match for 3rd place between Sweden and Holland was full of _excitemen_t, for neither side could score more than a single goal after ex-tra time. The teams therefore met.agajn on - the following day, when Sweden beat Holland 3-1. Similarly, _Great Britain was unrepresented in the Rugby Football -~ournament at the VIUth Olympiad, which was held in May.: and attracted entries from Franee, who in the first round beat Rm:nania by 61 points to 3; while in the same round the United States-also beat Rumania 37 points to nil. In the Final U.S.A; defeated Franee by 17 points to 3· Great Britain sent to Paris in 1~24 the best team of male and female swimmers we could muster, but America sent a better, which included the present film star, Johnny Weissmuller, who at 1oo metres F J;_~e Style defeated the veteran of 191.2, Duke.Kahanamoku, and his young bro!her Sam, and won also the 400 metres Free Style, his times being 59 secs. and 5 mins. 4·2 secs. respectively. . "- _ _ Another newcomer and a compatriot of the Kahanamokus who repre– sented U.S.A. was W. Kealolia; who wog. the I()O metres Back Strok~, as he had done at AntWerp, in 1 min. 1)·2 secs~, while R. Skelton won the 200 metres Breast Stroke in 2 mins. 56·6 secs. U.S.A. won also the 8oo metres Relay in 9 mins. 53"4 secs., and A. White the Springboard Diving, in which America took first three places. France, however, defeated Belg~1,1m in the "Water Polo Fina:l, and A. Charlton, who had-been 3rd in the 400 metres Free Style, won the I)OO metres, also Free Style, in-20 mins. 6·6 secs., in which race Beaurepaire~ of Australia, was 3rd, while Australia was 2nd in the Relay race. Sweden, and patticularly Arne Borg, showed up well in the Men's section of the programme. - In the Women's section Great Britain s~cured but few Olympic medals. Miss L. Morton won the 200 metres Breast Stroke in 3 mins. 3·2 secs., with Miss G. H. Carson 3rd. Miss P. Harding was 2nd in 100 metres Back Stroke, won by Miss S. Bauer, U.S.A., in 1 min. 23·2 s~cs., with little Aileen Riggin, U.S.A, probably the youngest competitor af the Antwerp Games i~ 1920, 3rd. Aileen Riggin was 2nd also in the Springboard Diving, which she had won four years previously. . America also took the fi:rst 3 places in the 100 metres Free; 2nd place 1ll the 200 metres Breast Stroke; 3 places in th& 400 metres Free and won the ~ 400 metres Relay in 4 mins. 58·8 secs. from -Great Britain anc! Sweden;. rst and 2nd places in.the High Diving and 3 places in the Springhoard Divwg.