Olympic Cavalcade

PARIS, 1924 Winners at the Olympic Games, Paris, I924-contd. Boxing:-contd. - Heavy-weight I. ·o. ·von Porat (Norway). 2 •. S. Petersen (Denmark). 3· A. Porzio (Arge~tine).- Cycling: IOOO Metres Scratch 2000 Metres Tandem 4000 Metres Pursuit Road Race-Individual Road Race-:Team 50 Kilometres Equestrian Events: 3 Days Event-Individual 3 D,ays Event-Team · Dressage-IndiviCI.ual Dressage-Te<;lll). Jumping-Ind1viaual Jumping-Team Fencing: -~ ·Foil-Individual– Foil-Team Epee-Individual Epee-Team · Sabre-Individual Sabre-Team Foothall.· Gymnastics.: Individual - Team Modern Pentathlon: Polo: Rowing: Single Sculls Double Sculls L. Michard (France). J. Cugnot and L. Choury (France). Italy 5 m. I2 s. A. Blanchonnet (France). France. J. Willems (Holland). V. de V. v~n Zyp (Holland). Hollimd. " E. de Linder (Sweden). Sweden. - A. Gemusens (Switzerland). Sweden. R. Ducret (France). France. C. J. Delporte (Belgium). Fr-ance. A. Posta (Hungary). Italy. -- · · ._u rugl!ay. ~ ~ L. Stukelj (Yugoslavia). "Italy. B. S. G, Lindmann (Sweden). I: Argentine. 2: U.S.A. 3· Great Britain. I. J. Beresford (G.B.). 2. W, GiLmore (U.S.A.). 3: J. S_chneider (Switzerland). r. P. Costello· and J. R KeUy (U.S.A.)~ 2. M. Detton and J. Stock (France). 147 3· B. Bosshard and H. Thomas (Switz~;:d_(\nd). ~