Olympic Cavalcade

AMSTERDAM, I928 I 57 The opinion of those who hold that nC> Olympic contest involving bodily contact should be held was somewhat strengthened by certain decisions of the boxing judges which certainly did not meet with universal approval. Great Britain did not achiev'e the success that was anticipated, largely, I think, through lack of aggressiveness. The results of the different weights were as recorded hereunder: Fly-weight Bantam-weight Feather-weight Light-weight Welter-weight Middle-weight Light Heavy-weight Heavy-weight Hungary. Italy. Holland. Italy. New Zealand. Italy. Argentine. Argentine. Nevertheless, America, France and the Scandinayian countries showed up well in the minor placings. - Following upon the disappointing results of British cyclists at Paris in I924, there had been a great attempt upon the part of the N.C.U. to over– come what were known to be British handicaps, but the paucity of first-class cement tracks, the high banking of which costs many thou.sands of pounds, appeared to be insoluble. It was hoped that much good would arise among British cyclists by the appointment of W. J. Bailey as professiC>nal coach, for he had experience both as an amateur and a professional and great coaching ability. The 18 selections were finally concentrated at Herne Hill track for 8 days' final training. Here, as in the Boxing, the number of competitors per nation in the Individual events was reduced from two to one, and the 50 kilometres race was replaced by a 1000 metres time-trial. · The rooo metres Scratch race went to Beaufrand, Franee; the 2000 metres Tandem race to Van Dyk and Leene, Holland, who defeated J. E. Sibbit and E. H. Chambers, of Great Britain; while the 1000 metres Time-Trial was won by the famous Danish cyclist W. Falck Hansen, in 1 min. 14·8 secs. In the 4000 metres T earn Pursuit race Italy defeated Holland, Great ~ritain and France. H. Hansen, of Denmark, won the Road race of approx– lrnately I05 miles in 4 hrs. 47 mins. 18 secs. from Southall, Great Britain, who returned 4 hrs. 55 mins. 6 secs. Denmark also won the T earn Road race in I 5 hrs. 9 mins. I4 secs. from Great Britain, I 5 hrs. 14 mins. 49 secs. - "!'he Equestrian competitions took place at Hilversum, some distance oSuts~de Amsterdam, but the Jumping competitions were held inside the tad1um.