Olympic Cavalcade

OLYMPIC CAVALCADE championships, the Women's and the Men's Indi-vidiual Foil Champion- ships, and all three ~reached their Finals. - The famous French swordsmen won two of the T earn events while Italy won the Foil and the Epee, Individual. Miss H. S. Guinness, of Great Britain, was runner-up in the Women's Foils, Individual, to Miss E. Preis, of Austria. France was victorious over Italy and U.S.A. in the Duelling Sword Team, while Hungary defeated Italy and Poland in the Sabre Team contest. . , Great Britain was not represented in Gymnastics at Los Angele(), where the premier honours were shared between America and Italy. The Indivi– dual competition was won by R. Neri-, Italy, from S. Pelle, Hungary, and H. Savolainenen, Finland. - _ Ital-y. won also the Team competition from U.S.A., Finland, ·Hungary andJapan. ~ - Of the other contests for separate apparatus, which were held for the first time to supp6rt- the gymnastic programmes and whiCh consisted of Individual ·competitions for horizontaL bars, parallel bars, rings; horse, long horse and free exercises, America· had 'by far the preponderance of entries-and th_e competing nations gained the following awards: First Second Third U.S.A. 5 5 5 Finland -I 2 Hungary 2 ' I Italy 2 2 Switzerland In Los A;geles the Indian Olympic-Hockey Te~~ fully-established their claim to supremacy throughout ·the world. They were the undefeated victors at Amsterdam, in I928, where. no goals_were scored again~t them, and at Los Angeles, where their only opponents were.-p.£.A. and Japan; the latter country was defeated by I I goals to r in the opening match. In the next match, on 8 August, Japan beat Ameri~a by 9 goals to 2. On 11 August the surprisingly .fast and accurate Indian team completely vanquished U.S.A. by 2I goals to r. -- · _ · . At Los Angeles the Modern Pentathlon contest,_which had not come into .the 0 lympic programme until I912, was won l:ly. Johan Gabriel Oxenstierna, of Sweden, who was well backed up ip the Team contest by two other Swedish officers, Bo Sigfrid Ga_!Jri_el Lin~man and Sven Alfred Thofelt. . It is interesting to note -that Lindman, who was the victor at the_ Par~s Games and 2nd at Amsterdam,: put ~up a fine performance at thts, ~1s _third -Olympiad. Thofelt was, oCcourse, the champion at Amsterdam m 1928. ~ - . . . _· Great Britain's representative;; were _Lieut. P. Legard, 5th (Inmsk!llmg) Dragoon Guards, Lieut. V. Barlow, King's Shropshire L.I., 2nd Lteut J.