Olympic Cavalcade

OLYMPIC CAVALCADE record was set up by the American Girls' Relay team, and five separate times in the 1500 metres Men's Free Style contest the Olympic ""tecord was broken. Had Japan been pressed in the Men's Relay ,race their World's record time might have been even more remarkable. In the I 500 metres Free Style Japan took first two p~aces in front of U.S~A. and Japan beat U.S.A., Hungary, Canada and Great Britain in the 8oo metres Relay. In the women's part of the programme U.S.A. won the 100 metres Free and Back Stroke, the 400 metres Free Stroke, and the 400 metres Relay, Australia taking the 200 metres Back Stroke; but Japan, Australia, Holland, Denmark, France and Great Britain all achieved high places in the Swimming. Great Britain made only two entries in Wrestling, both in the Catch– as-Catch-Can style, among the I 5 nations which sent 49 wrestlers to take part in the Games. Sweden stood out head and shoulders above the other nations, taking 4 of the 7 Greco-Roman medals and 2 of the 7 Catch-as-Catch-Can titles. Germany, Finland and Italy each won a Greco-Roman award, and in the Catch-as-Catch-Can Style U.S.A. acquired 3 firsts, Sweden 2 and France and Finland I each. Of the 73 matches decided in the Catch-as-Catch-Can style 33 were decided by falls and the other 40 on points. · . In the Greco-Roman Wrestling · 13 nations were represented by 41 entries, 20 matches being won by falls and 35 decided on points. Shooting, which had been omitted from the programme of the IXth Olympiad·, was confined at Los Angeles to Jwo events, both of which were decided at Elysian Park Range. · . One class was for competitors with the ·22 calibre automatic pistol, which R. Morigi, Italy, won from H. Hax, Germany, and the other for Rifle Shots using the ·22 calibre carbine. The entries were not numerous owing to the Olympic rule that no one who has shot for money prizes may compete, a matter which was referred subsequently to the I. 0. C., since it is a universal custom for riflemen to take money prizes, which is not contrary to the definition of an amateur as laid down by the N.R.A. and the S.M.R.C. The Miniature Carbine contest wa·s won by B. V. Ronnmark, Sweden., .on a shoot-off with G. Huet, Mexico, while Z. H. Soos-Ruszka, Hungary, took 3rd place as the result of a shoot-offwith M. Zorzi, ofltaly. Weight-lifting was the first of the competitive events included in the 16 days programme of the Xth Olympiad. Great Britain sent no weight– lifters to compete at Los Angeles, but 8 other nations sent their strong men to bid for the 5 Olympic titles. The contests were decided in the Olympic Auditorium on 30-31 July, where some 4000 spectators witnessed the efforts of the world's strong men, 29 of them, to lift their ponderous weights. ·