Olympic Cavalcade

LOS ANGELES, I932 I85 Franee provided three victories in the five events, taking the Feather– weight, Light-weight and Light Heavy-weight. Germany made the best entry in the Middle-weight and Czechoslovakia provided the winner in the Heavy-weight class. 2nd and 3rd places were fairly evenly distributed between Austria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Germany, Italy and the United States. · One missed the names of Egypt, Turkey and Finland, who have good weight-lifters, as have Russia, as .they will no doubt prove if they compete this year. The outstanding features of the Weight-lifting at the Xth Olympiad were the keen competition in the Heavy-weight class; the defeat of Haas, of Austria, by Duverger, of F ranee; the triumph of another Frenchman, L. Hostin, o:ver the Dane, S. Olsen, who had but recently made a World's record in the Snatch-and-Jerk with 266 lb. and 352 lb. respectively; and America's fine showing with 22 points for 3rd place among the nations. Foilowing upon certain conversations four years previously at Amsterdam there were but four classes of yachts competing in theYachting events, which were held in the Pacific Ocean directly off the Port of Los Angeles. They were 8 metre, 6 metre, stars and Monotype. For these classes I I nations made 24 entries. The courses were varied each day according to the wind and all were outside the breakwater _except the courses for the Monotypes which sailed within sheltered water. _ Angelita, U.S.A., skippered by Owen Churchill, beat Santa Maria, Canada, sailed by Sir Ronald Maitland, in 8 metre class. In the 6 metre class Bissbi, Sweden, beat Gallant, U.S.A., and Caprice, Canada. There were 7 races in the Star class resulting in the final standing: U.S.A. Great Britain Sweden Jupiter Joy Swedish Star The Monotype class gave the following result: - 1. J. Lebrun (France). 2. L. A. J. Maas (Holland). 3· S. A. Cansino (Spain). 4· E. Behr (Germany). 5· .R. M. Dixon (Canada). 6. C. Ratsey (Great Britain). 46 points. 35 points. 27 points. France, Holland, Spain, Germany, Canada, Great Britain, Austria, Italy, Sweden, U.S.A. and South Africa all made entries for this event, which was won by F ranee with Holland a very close 2nd. .For the Olympic Fine Arts contest-since art has its place in the Modern as m the Ancient Festivals-I 5 galleries were utilized for the exhibition of 1 145 entries_from 3 I ~countries.