Olympic Cavalcade

218 OLYMPIC CAVALCADE ,Winners at the Olympic Games, Berlin, I936-contd. Boxing: Fly-weight !3antam-weight Feather-weight Light-weight Welter-weight - Middle-weight _Light Heavy-weight Heavy-weight · -" Cycling: .:; - 1000 Metres SGratch r6oo Metres Time Trial - 2000 Metres Tandem 4000 Metres Pursuit Road Race-Individual Road· Race--Team -Equestrian Eyents: 3Days Event-Individual _ 3 Days Event-;,Te_am I. W. Kaiser (Germany). 2. G~ Matta (Italy). 3· L. Laurie (U.S.A.). I. U. Sergo (Italy)• 2. J. Wilson (U.S.A.). 3· F. Ortiz-(Mexico). - I. 0. Casanovas (A;gent!ne). 2. C. Catterall (S. Africa). 3· J. Miner (Germany). I. I. Harangi (Hungary). 2. N. Stepulov (Estonia). . 3· E. Agren (Sweden). _ I. S. Suvio (Finland). - 2. M. Murac11 (Germany).. 3· G. Pe1ersen (Denmark). I. J. Despeaux (Fra~ce). 2. L. Tiller (Norway). 3· R. V. Villarreal (Argentine). I. _R. Michelot (France): - 2. R. Vogt (Germany). - 3· F. Risiglione (Argentine). I. H. Runge (Germany).- 2. G. J. Lovell (Argentine). 3· E. Nil~~n (Norway). x. T. Merkens (Germany). 2. A. G. van Vliet (Holland). 3· L Chaillot (France). 1. A. G. VEin ,VJiet (Holland). 2. P. Georget (France). J· R. Karsch (Germany). I. E. Ihbe and C. Lorenz-'(Germany). 2. B. Leene and H. Ooms (Holland). 3· -P. Georget ~nd G. Maton (France). r. France 4 m. 45 s. 2. Italy. 3· Great Britain. _ I. R. Cliarpentier (France): 2. G. Lapebie (France). 3· E. Nievergelt (Switzerland). I. France. 2. Switzer land. 3· Belgi um. _ L. Stubbendgrff (Germany.). I. Germany. 2. "Poland. - _3· G~eat Britain. ~