Olympic Cavalcade

34 OLYMPIC CAVALCADE Winners at the Olympic Games, Paris, 190~contd. Athletics: Men:-contd. r ro Metres Hurdles 400 Metres Hurdles High Jump Standing High Jump Long Jump Standing Long Jump Hop, Step and Jump Pole Vault Throwing the Discus Putting the Weight Throwing the Hammer Fencing: Foil-Individual Epee-Individual _Sabre-Individual -Gymnastics: Individual Swimming: 1:00 Metres Free' roop Metres Free 4000-Metres Free : Yachting: 6 Metre 8 Metre A. C. Kraenzlein (U.S.A.) I5"2 s. J. W. B. Tewkesbury (U.S.A.) 57"6 s. I. K. Baxter (U.S.A.) 6ft. 4 in. R. C. Ewry (U.S.A.) 5 ft. 5-in. A. C. Kraenzlein (U.S.A.) 23 ft. 6i in. R. C. Ewry (U.S.A.) ro ft. 6-f in. M. Prinstein (U.S.A.) 47 ft. 4l in. I. K. Baxter (U.S.A.) ro ft. 9-fo- in. R. Bauer (Hungary) rr8 ft. 2 in.- R. Sheldon (U.S.A.) 46ft. 3l in. J. J. Flanagan (U.S.A.) r'67 ft 4 in. Cqste (France). R. Fonst (Cuba). - De la Falaise (France). Sandras (France). J. A. Jarvis (G.B.). J. A. Jarvis (G.B.). J. A. Jarvis (G.B.). Switzerland. Great Britain.