Olympic Cavalcade

f I OLYMPIC GAVALCADE After the soldiers forming the frieze had taken post, the public was admitted to the Stadium through four entrances. Two admitted to the lower tiers. Those people going to the upper places used an external marble stair– - ·way, whieh had been specially built for their use. By three-fifteen the whole concourse was seat~d. They rose again almost at once to greet the Royal party as it was escoFted up the infield by the Committee and the jurymen. _ · King George of Gree~e -eame first, in the uniform of an admiral, accom– panit:d by Queen Alexandra of_Great ;?ritain. Then came King Edward VII of Great Britain, accompanied by Que<Sn Olga of Greece; Crown Prince Constantin and the Princess of Wales; the Prince of Wales and Princess Sophia; Prince George and Princess Victoria; Prince Nicholas, Prince _Andrew and-Princess flelen, and the Grand Duke Boris, her brother. Everywhere there was vociferous cheering,-and -noi: only in the-Stadium, but throughout the length and breadth ef Athens. The King of Greece, with the t<Sams of cont~stants facil:~g rum irr columns, then declared -the Gam~s_ -open. Bands -then led the teams in a ceremonial parade with Germans lt:ading, followed by the British team, led by Lord Desboro"klg£1~ then the American teanr, _marshalled-by James E. Sullivan - -;., ana Charles H. Sherrill;-the Australians; Belgians; Danish lady gymnasts; the Danes; the French; the Hungarians; the Italiims; Norwegians and Swedes; and last the Greeks themselves. All salUted in the fashion, each of his own . country, as.tJie teams file.dpast th_e Royal Box. _: _ Next -daj the comgetitions began~ in earnest. Bouffier, -of The Poly– -· technic, England,- got into the final of the -.Bicyde -tac:e. On the Tuesday ':' Taylor won a-Swimming race, in Ph;ilerum Bay; ~with another Englishman, J afvis, second to him. That_night th~ -British Royal party left l:?y sea for _Naple~ and th~re was a gn;ai torchlight procession round the cent~al square of .Athens. £or the. Uriit~9 ·States o£ America, on Wednesday, Martin -- Sheridan, rtow recovered 7 from hiS"'-sHaking aboard:ship, won the- Discus {Free Style), one _of ~e--~events most ap_propt:iate _to its setting and in the su.rroqndings whole progra~e. - · _ _ 0£ the Britishers who were to achieve fame at the Athenian Celebration I _ rem<::mber particularly Solly: (now Si!-Sidney) Abra,hams,_w·ho, at roo rrietres, won his heat~ ·a~ did Healey and ·Reed and Lieut. Wyndham Halswell, the great Scottish <tthfete, wno was shut out}n the 8oo metres final. V/. T. Pett, of Putney, who won the 20 paced kilometres Bicycle race in fast time, and _-I:ieut. H. Hawtrey, who won one of the_pest_Epglisn victories in the 5 miles, -which he cGve~ed rn 261!1i'trs. 26·2 secs. Healey was beate_n, but by the barest inches, in the Hurdles by R: G. Lea-vitt, U.S.A. There were als9 the Irishmen, C~n Leahy and Peter O'Connor, who y;ere to .achieve s_ome :. _ great jumping-successes. - · · _ _ But to_ individual~p~rformances anc1 triumphs we will come ba_ck a bit later.