Olympic Cavalcade

CONTENTS Foreword by Sir llarold Bowden, Bt., G.B.E. Page 9 Chapter 1 The Ancient Olympic Games I I 11 Between the Ancient and the Modern Olympic Games I9 m The Modern Olympiads ·a~e Founded and the First of the Modern Festivals is held 2I IV Ilnd Olympic Games, Paris, I9oo 28 ~ v IIIrd Olympic Games, St. Louis, U.S.A., I904 35 VI The Athenian Celebration, I9o6 4I VII IVth Olympic Games in London, I9o8 59 VIII London, I908 (continued). Other Sports of IVth Olympiad 75 IX Vth Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden, I9I2 86 x The First Hiatus IOI XI The VIIth Olympiad, Antwerp, Belgium, I92o I09 XII Paris, I924 128 XIII Amsterdam, I928. Finns Fulfil their Earlier Promise I 52 XIV Los Angeles, I932 I70 XV Berlin, I936. The Xlth Olympic Games I96 Index 225