Olympic Cavalcade

CH APTER VIII L 0 N D 0 N , I 9 o 8 (continued) OTHER SPORTS OF IVTH OLYMPIAD THE Olympic Games of London, 1908, witnessed- the first real attempt to stabilize an Olympic _programme. All that had been done so far was to settle the quadrennial period of their incidence. There were, however, some ano:rp.– alies which would be eliminated or substitutions made in the course of tiine. ARCHERY in f9o8 was one of the events included for the first time in~t'he programme. This event took place in the -Stgdium 1 _ 17-?-o Jufy, under~ the "' Presidency of His Grace tfie Duke of Portland ·<md the ·Rules of the Royal Toxophilite Society."'The competitions were a suGcess. The·most prominent archers of the Unit~d Kingdom were e·ntered and Franee; also, was well represented, and U.S.A. had H. B. Richardson placed in the Gentlemen's ~ York Round. ~ -- - · ~ - There were conte?t:s for both l~dies _and ge!lfl emen, wo!l].en thus -taking"' part officially as c::ompetitors at the Games for the~ first time, for one musl except the Display of Gymnastics given by the))aQisn ·womep at Athens i ll 1906. The competitions wer_e_rrobably a bit pu'izli_!?.g f~ the_ average spectator, a circumstance-which ""ap_plies equally to the scoring in ·the Winter .Sports section of the Games today. - .,_ """ ~- - _~ In the Gentlemen's Y;ork Round, which repr(!sented the Englis~ style, the French, who were_ilie real challengers oCtbe U.K.; were· de~rly out..: classed, but H. B. Richardson, the sole entry from -U.S.A., shot rema:rkably · well. He ?id not win but V0S placed 3nd to sue~ fal!lous archers -as' the best men in tHe U.K., W :-D odd and R: B. Brooks-King. Archery was seen qt its hest in the astute judgment shown-by the arcners in combating the ~andicaps - of half gales and -hea_vy~showers of rain. • ; ~- - _ . . - . The U.K. was preaominant in the Ladies' National Rou.trd. MissNe:.well,_ < Slster of Col. B. Walrpn~, Hon. Sec. of the Royal To?Cophilite_S!?dety; won the gold medal, and Miss Dod, a past Golf and Lawn Tennis- Ghampi~; Was 2nd.-British girlS-'filled all the scoring places. - _ • - In the Continental Round,_howeV:er, all -the ssoring places went to:- t-he Frenchmen, headed -by Mons. Grizot, ~hQ scored 263 points with .39 "F1its. : - .;_;t- _- :_ .;- - _~ - ~ BoxiNG tooJ.{ place at the Northampton Irtstitq_te_, Cl~rkenviell, Lol}dori, on 27 ·October at fiv:e weights They: wt;re 'Bantam; -Fei ther, Light, Midd1e and Heavy. - - -