Olympic Cavalcade

LONDON, 1908 (CONTINUED) 77 was the most coveted trophy in the section and was won by C. H. Bartlett, of the London Polytechnic, from his junior of the same club, C. A. Denny, and a very volatile Frenchman named 0. Lapize. This race had been con– sidered a good thing for the Englishman, Lean Meredith, who had four times won the world's 100 kilometres championship, but he was put out of action by tyre troubles. FENCING. This section attracted the majority of the best swordsmen from the Continent to Prince's Galleries, Piccadilly, London, where the Pools were decided under the rules of the Amateur Fencing Association. The team representing the United Kingdom put up a good show, but of our team which had gone to the Athenian Celebration in 1906, E. Selig– man alone remained, as he was destined to do for subsequent Olympiads. There were five events: Epee (Individual); Epee (Team Fight); Sabre (Individual); Sabre (Team Fight); and a Foil Display. Foil play, not being in the opinion of the organizers a form of sport which is improved by com– petition, was given a special place in the programme, and Mr. W. H. C. Staveley (U.K.) gave a most successful display. The competitive honours were all won by France and Hungary. France was victorious in the Epee fights, M, Alibert beating a compatriot individu– ally, and the French team (M. Alibert, B. Gravier, A. Lippman and E. Olivier) conquering the Belgian team (D. Beaurain,.F. Ram, P. Anspach and F. Feyerick) after a particularly strenuous fight. The Sabre competitions went to Hungary. Individually, J. Fuchs, Hungary, performed a great feat by going through four rounds with but three hits scored against him, and he assisted Gerde, Toth and Werkner to defeat Italy in the Team Final. The German team retired when Italy was leading in the fight for 2nd place by 4 to 10, with 3 bouts unfinished. Bohemia, who had been beaten by Hungary in the Final, persisted in their refusal to fight off for ~nd place, wherefore the silver 2nd place medals were awarded to Italy. FooTBALL, under both codes, at the Olympic Games, 1908, was played on the grass centre of the Stadium at Shepherd's Bush. · For Association eight teams were originally entered, but Hung?ry and Belgium had to scratch owing to political troubles in the Balkans. France entered two teams. In the first round Denmark defeated the 'B' team 9-o, while the United Kingdom defeated Sweden 12-1. In the semi-final, Denmark beat France 'A' 17-1, and the U.K. defeated Holland 4-o. The Final, decided between the U.K. and Denmark, resulted in a win for the U.K. 2-o, after a hard match. The U.K. team was a properly picked inter– national side. GYMNASTICS was virtually an all-Scandinavian affair. In the Team