Olympic Cavalcade

OLYMPIC CAVALCADE: cont~st, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark finished in that order, followed by;-France, Italy and Holland. The U.K. tearri was last. ln the Individual competition, however, A. Braglia, Italy;_scoring 317 p6ints; wq n by a margin of only 5 _poin~ from S. W. Tysal, U.K., who beat B. L. Segurra, France, by 15 points; t:Jien came a couple of Germans. -~- - HocKEY: For the -Hockey Tournament, played on grass in the centre of the Stadium·during_October, Germany and FranGe entered teams against the United ·Kingdom, which was represented by separate national XIs from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. This was a different principle from iliat adopted in the_Football sectton, and in the Final England beat Ireland 8-1. There was also an extra match between France and Geqnany (represented b_y the Uhlenhorster H.C.}-whieh Germany won r-o. This frjendly- game---is recorded because it afforded evidence of excellent h:Pckey progress ori the~Continent. ~ _LAWN TENNis~ This. section of the programme .-was played on the grass c9urts at Wimbledon, near London, during the week commenCing 6 July. .Foreign players gave the tpurnament splendid supporf, but it followed far too closely upon- the Engl-ish Championships for the_convenient e of the U.K. repres~fltatives. The weather, also, interfered with pln. · _The orilyirredal won by~ player-from overseas_was gained by 0. Froitz– heim, Ge_rmany, wbe was. r unner H_I). to M. J. G. Rit£;hie, U.K., j n the _Gentlemen'·s Sifigles. The G~tman t~;:t,w, .as a_wlrole, earned rriu~h distinc– tion;J}}e"'U.K. players we£e top goo-d for - the~ opposit!orf_the.y }!a~ to meet. The.gotcl m~dals for the Doubles whit WQn by G. w. Hillyatd and R__. F. Doherty~ against -their compatriots M. f ·c. Ritchie and J. C. Parke. Mrs. Lambert Gliambers defeated _Mis~ D:: Boothby by tWo sets to lewe ird:h~ Final of the"Ladies' Singles. ~ _ _ - On the Cove-red Cotg"ts _at Q~een's Club, 1ondon, in May, the honours were cohfineq. to the United :Kingd~m a9-d, Sweden; but it shoulq -be ex– plained _tl2.f.rtlie :~ntries from Australi(!-=had arr-ived too lat~ "to be jiCCepre_d. In the Gentlemen's·-singles, 6-. A. Caridia, _U.K., played s_ome ~ne· sets .in the preliminari~s;- .buff~ll in ·the F)nal te his compatriot, ~A. W. Gore. Simi– larly; in"'""tlre_Dou_b-les, Cari4ia, parftieied Ey Simmotids, §_uc~um£ecl to Gore and Rop_er-~arrett; ~ Setterwall and Bore, Sweden, secures! 3rd5pl~'Ce_. Two Engli~h-girls_ met in the Final of theladies'.Singles on the co~e~~d Col_drts, " _ - whtch Mis~;(Eastlake Smith won from Miss.. A. N. G. Greene. r !He cemparatively .easy victory ofth~ United "Kinggom_was, f a1].1 sure, largely: due to-___ the early date of the ~vent, for neither pu~lic nor play~rs- had yet fully awakened to ~he major importaqce of an Olympic Tournament.