Olympic Cavalcade

LONDON, 1908 (CONTINUED) 79 for its practice are afforded to but the select few; it is intricate and hard for - the casual onlooker: to understand, added to whkh there were then but few courts, which play so important a part in the game, available outside the British Isles. ~ Play took place at Queen's Club on 1 May and was virtually confined to England and Irelapd, as there was but one U.S.A. representative and France, - who earlier had asked for the inclusion of the sport, did not compete. Nevertheless it was that magnificent exponent of the gam~, Jay Gould, U.S.A., who captured the gold medal by d~feating the famous English veteran from Marlborough School and .Tambridge University,_Eusrace Miles, by 3 sets to o. -- _ - - - LACROSSE: Thi~ game, at that time so litde Jmown on this side of the Atlantic Ocean, was played in the Stadium during October. South Africa withdrew her entry, so that the competition was between Canada and the United Kingdom. Canada's representatives car:he from all over the Dominion~ A special set o( rules had to be. prepared for the match because the Olympic ruling is that only amatturs may take part in _the Games. Canada won the match 14-10, q.fter a tough struggle with England. -- MoToR BoATS: -The Olympic races for mntor boats were beld under __ the auspices of the .Motor -yacht Club in Southampton Water on 28- 29 August. Classes B -aQd C were both won by Gyj inus -(Mr. ;_r' om Thorny- croft and Mr. Bernard Redwood); Class A bTM!;_- Thubron's Camille. - - PoLO: The Polo Tour~atnent was "played at_ Hu~lingham, n~ar tpnclon_, - but only three teams were entered, and the cotp:petition was to all intents and purposes locally international. The teams were drawn fr_om Roehamp– ton, Hurlingham a·nd.All-Ireland, so that_only two games were necessary. Roehampton and Hurlingham played the _first game, All-Irelan1 drawing a bye; Hurlingham, playing with a depleted side, was beaten 4-1. IR ;, the Final, Roehampton, outplaying the visitors all round, defeated AIL,. Ireland 8-1. The players who representea U.K. _ 1 (Roehampton) were Captajn H. Wilson, G. Miller, P. W. Nicka1ls and C. D. Miller (back). RACKETS: This event, also, was decided at Queen'-s Club, on 27 :April, and _ 0ere were representatives only of the U.K. in ir. The scratching through tnjuries and other cau~es were far too~ numerous ·to give the game a sporting chance of again appearing at future Celebrations .of the Games; a picy, be:– cause the circumstances have caused a great many men·in the Services and at the Universities and in the Public Schools to lose interest in the Olympic Games in general. The Singles were won by tliatyery~game and courageous sportsman E. B. Jl{oel, of Winchester and Cambridge University, the Doubles by V. H. PenneiLand J. J. Astor, of Charterhouse and Eton.