286 APPENDIX. was considered the father of agriculture in the north of Scotland: His example has been every-where imitated; and his memory is held dear by all the lovers of this first and mostimportant art. Mr. Barclay represented the county of Kincardine in threeparliaments,havingbeenunanimouslyelected; which is highly creditable to his talentsand his virtues. He was the intimate friend of WilliamPitt, and always distinguish ed himself by his loyalty, and attachment o the best inte restsof his country. It is only necessaryto add to this account, that, while Capt. Barclay is dcscpnrlpd from rpspertahlft anresl.ors of the ancient familyof Barclay, he has an undoubtedright, bv the mother'sside, to the title of Earl of Monteithand •/ Airth, being the representative of Lady MaryGraham, the eldest daughterof the lastEarl of Monteithand Airth,who was descended of David, Earl of Strathern, the eldest son of Robert II. by his queen, EuphemiaRoss. THE END. BRITAN Printers, Aberdeen.
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