Rowing and Track Athletics (extract)
352 Track A tbletics searches many of these facts are borrowed - remarks, "almost long enough to cover the cham– pionship course." The first intercollegiate cham– pionship was held at Morris Park on Saturday, November I 8, I 899. Cornell won, Yale was second, University of Pennsylvania third, Colum– bia fourth, and Princeton fifth. The individual honors went, however, to Cregan, Princeton's crack distance runner, who covered the course of slightly over six miles in 34 minutes sf sec– onds. Cornell won again in 1900, Yale in 1901, Cornell again in I 902 and 1903. W. E. Schutt of Cornell won the individual championship in , 1903, and broke Cregan's record for the course, covering it in 33 minutes 15 seconds. At Mott Haven, the preceding spring, Schutt also made an intercollegiate record in the two-mile run of 9 minutes 40 seconds. Such records as these are not made without a hard fight and without straining one's endurance to the utmost. A six-mile race over meadow-land and hedges is a glorious conte t, but it is a formi– dable one, too, and not to be lightly gone into by boys, or men who are not strong and well-trained. But to enjoy the best of cross-country running one does not need to go in at all for cross-coun– try racing. Racing over a measured course, even though that course is laid out in the open, lacks the charm of following the trail; there is no loiter-
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