Rowing and Track Athletics (extract)

Cross Country Running in America 35 3 ing to pick up the scent, no call of "Lo-o-ost Trail!" and cheering echoes of " Ta-a-ally Ho!" - it's too much work to be much fun. But even the duffer can run with the hounds. As the pack strings out, leisurely trotting along the trail, there is a place somewhere for the slowest of us. When you get to the "break "you can have all the racing you want by fighting it out with the real racers from the line of paper laid across the road to the finish and home. And if you're not a fighter nor a racer you can jog home with the rest of the duffers conscious of a couple of hours well spent, with your lungs full of good air, the coursing blood warming your very finger-tips, and many a pleasant picture to remember.