Rowing and Track Athletics (extract)

All-Round Individual Championship 397 seconds, as Ellery Clark did in 1903, it is pretty plain that the man who would win an all-round championship is up against a pretty tough propo– sition. The 1903 champion, Ellery H. Clark, has the honor of having won the championship in 1897 when he was a student at Harvard and then of having won again seven years later by an appre– ciably higher score than he made when he won his first victory. Such work is testimony not only to Mr. Clark's constitution and staying powers, but to the fact that the all-round championship calls more for a matured and consistently devel– oped athlete than for the comparatively ephemeral skill of the specialist. And the men who have won -men like Clark, Gunn, Gill, and the rest -have been of this sort, husky, lively, and hard as nails.