Rowing and Track Athletics (extract)

Competitive Walking 401 York Athletic Club, Parry of the Williamsburg Athletic Club, Lange of the Manhattan, G. D. Baird, and C. L. Nicoll were among the other well-known walkers of those days. At the inter– collegiates the three-mile walk was contested in 1876 and won by T. R. Noble of Princeton, in the slow time of 28 minutes 21t seconds. It was never contested again. The two-mile walk was contested in 1877, 1878, and 1879, and then dropped. The mile walk remained on the Mott Haven pro– gramme until after the games of 1898. It was not done in under seven minutes until 1892, when F. A. Borcherling of Princeton won it in 6 min– utes 5 2g seconds. This record held until broken by W. B. Fetterman, Jr., of Pennsylvania, whose time of 6 minutes 42-g- seconds, somewhat more than a dozen seconds behind the world's amateur record, stands as the intercollegiate record. 2D