Rowing and Track Athletics (extract)
Track Athletics Wefers, 21f seconds; quarter-mile run, won by T. E. Burke, 49 second flat; half-mile run, won by C. H. Kilpatrick, 1 minute 5 3f seconds; one– mile run, won by T. P. Conneff, 4 minutes 18} seconds; three-mile run, won by T. P. Conneff, 15 minutes 36} seconds; high hurdles, won by S. Chase, 1 sf seconds (this was faster than the world's record at that time, but it could not be accepted as a record because Chase knocked over one of the hurdles); broad jump, won by E. B. Bloss, 2 2 feet 6 inches; high jump, won by M. F. Sweeney, 6 feet st inches; shot-put, won by G. R. Gray, 43 feet 5 inches ; hammer-throw, won by J. S. Mitchell, 137 feet st inches. A fortnight after these meets Yale and Cam– bridge held dual games at New Haven. A num– ber of the athletes on either side had contested against each other at New York. Yale won by a score of 8 to 3, and she also won 7l seconds . as against the 3t seconds of the Cantabrigians. The Englishmen won the quarter-mile, half-mile, and mile races, and proved, what has many times been demonstrated, that leaving out exceptional individuals, Englishmen are superior to Ameri– cans in the distance runs. The first of the revived Olympian Games were held at Athens in 1896. A party of American athletes went over to try their fortunes, and they won almost every event in which they entered.
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