Rowing and Track Athletics (extract)
Index 431 Bowdoin College, crews from, 41, 46, 47, 50, 83-85, 94-95, 98-99, IO I, 106. Saratoga record of (1875), 52 n. Weight of 1891 crew, 234. Bowie, R. Ashurst, 24. Boyd, C. ., 58. Boynton, E. B., 415. Brandegee, Harvard captain, 78. Brayley, sculler, 197. Bremer, J. L., 291, 357, 358, 409, 418. Brewster, ,villiam C., 18 n. Briggs, Cornell stroke, II8. Brooks, H. S., Jr., 277, 278, 305, 307. Brown, A., of Yale crew, 1 I 7 n. Brown, David Walter, 155-157, 159. Paper single scull first used by, 236. Patents sliding seat, 237. Brown, George, 196. Brown, Joseph II., 18 n. Brown, J. ., 314. Brown University, freshman crews of, 38, 41, 42. Rowing aspirations of, 28-29, 30, 32, 44. Saratoga Regatta record, 52 n. Varsity races of, 30, 32, 41, 47- 48, 50-5 2, 98-99. Browne, IL G., 24. Brush, Alfred, 1 r. Brush, E. A., 1 I. Bryant, Harvard stroke, 92. Buchholz, pole-vaulting by, 376. Buckham, President, letter of, 283- 284. Buckley, Edwin A., 14. Buel, Henry W., 14. Buermeyer, H. E., quoted, 258, 259. Bunham, Frank, 348. Bunker Hill, eight-oared boat, 13. Bunker Hill Day races, 190. Bunker Hill Regatta, 23. Burckhardt, walker, 400-401. Burger, William, r 55. Burgess, Tristram, Jr., 1 I. Burke, T. E., 334-335, 339, 408, 409, 410. Burnell, C. D., 132. Burnham, Arthur, 35. Burns, Hugh, 21. Burl, John, 4. Bush, James S., 14- Byne, Henry, 14, Cabot, Dr. Hugh, 194. Cadogan, sprinter, 315, 317. Cady, hurdler, 357. Caffrey, , illiam, 186. California, college athletics in, 291- 292. Rowing in, I 38. Track athletics in, 262-264. See University of California. Cambridge, Eng., crew in America, 58, 167-168. Cameron, of Atalanta Club, 21. Camilla Boat Club, 24. Cammeyer, Alfred, 5. Cammeyer, Cornelius, 5. Canada, fours from, 188. Carlisle, of Atalanta Oub, 21. Carr, \V., 189 n. Carter, E. C., 405. Cross-country running by, 349, 35o. Distance running by, 329-330. Cary, Luther, 303, 305, 308, 310, 406. Ca tle Garden Amateur Boat Oub Association, 7, 8, 12-13. Catlin Boat Club, 180. Cedar, racing boats of, 236. Centennial Exposition races, 58-59, 167, 197. Centennial four, Detroit, 178. Centiped, Yale boat, 14-15.
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