Rowing and Track Athletics (extract)
43 2 Index Centre Harbor, Harvard-Yale race at, 17-18. Certain Death, race of, against American Star, 6. Chadwick, Daniel, 14. Chadwick, weight-thrower, 388. Chambers, John, 4, 5· Chambers, Robert, 159, 237. Chambers, William, 4, 5. Championships, all-round athletic, 395-397. :M:ottHaven,272,277,279,289ff. Chapman, four-oared boat, 13. Charles River Amateur Association, 23. Charleston, S.C., regatta, 24-25. Charlestown, :M:ass., regatta, 23. Charlton, of Atalanta Club, 21. Chase, Stephen, 291, 357, 408. Chebucto Boat Club, 24. Chelsea, :M:ass., regattas, 13, 16. Chester, John, II. Chicago, boat clubs of, 27, 163, 167. College athletic meet at, 286. Regatta at, 25. Chicago Navy, 179-180. Childs, George W., 67. Childs Cup Races, 67, 68, 72, 78-79, 80, 89, 90, 91-92, 96, 99, 105. Churchill, Winston, identified with Naval Academy rowing, 140. Cinder path, first, 259. Citizen's Regatta, Worcester, 32, 33, 148. Clapp, E. J., 357. Clapp, R. ., 376. Clark, Ellery H., 395, 396, 397, 409. Clark, H. B., 415. Clarke, C. W., 405. Clarke, T. L., II7 n. Cleave, J. R., 415· Cleopatra, eight-oared boat, 7. Oimate, effect of, on athletes, 323, 417-420. Close, W. B., 58-59. Cochem, Wisconsin athlete, 290. Cockshott, runner, 414-415. Cole, W. E., of Leland Stanford, 139. Colket, pole-vaulter, 412. College Boat Club, Pennsylvania, 44, 67. College ofNew Jersey. See Princeton University. College of the City of New York, cross-country running team of, 35 I. College Union, regattas held by, 28- 32. Superseded by Rowing Associa– tion of American Colleges, 40. Collins, W.W., 58. Colson, F. D., 113 n., 146. Columbia Boat Club, Brooklyn, 163. Columbia Boat Club, Washington, 177- Columbia College Boat Club, 44. Columbia University, beginnings of rowing at, 32, 44, 46. Competes for Childs Cup, 68-69, 72-73, Downing Cup race of, 102. Freshman races of, 102, 106, 107, 108, 109-1 IO. Henley visit of (1878), 61-64, 171-172, 214. In Centennial Regatta, 58-59. Lake George races of, 69-70, 73. Poughkeepsie races of, I 11, I 14- II 5, 117-118. Races shared in by, 46-47, 50, 56-57, 61, 74, 77-78, 92- 93, 94-95, 99, 100, 102, 104, 124-125. Wins at Saratoga (1874), 48-49. Condon, weight-thrower, 264.
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