Rowing and Track Athletics (extract)

Index 433 Conkling, M., 21. Conley, sculler, 200. Conneff, T. P., 261, 324, 330-332, 350, 405, 408. Connolly, J. B., 370, 409, 413. Conover Boat lub, 21. Converse, hurdler, 357, 416. Cook, Robert J., 49, 58, 91, 93, 123, 126. English trip of, 43. Harvard helped by, at Saratoga, 57· Theories imported from England by, 141-142, 21 l. Yale coached by, on English trip, 115-117, 141. Cook stroke, the, 43-44, 48, 56, 102. Cope, runner, 281. Copeland, A. T., 373· Copeland, 0. F., 261, 270, 357· Corbin, John, 409. On effect of English climate, 418-419. On English attitude toward sport, 423. Corbin, of Yale crew, 102. Cornell, R. C., 62. Cornell avy, birth of, 39. Cornell University, advent of, in row- ing, 44. Athletic association at, 281. Childs Cup races of, 91-92, 96, Io 5· Courtney coach at, 92, 117, 123, 135, 220. Henley races of, 75-76, II 1-114. Hughes (Thomas) visits, 39. In Centennial Regatta, 58. Lake George races of, 69-70, 73, 83-85, 89-90. Minnesota trip of, 1 IO. Pennsylvania agreement, 74-75. Poughkeepsie races of, 111, 114- n 5, 117-u8, 121-122, 135-137. 2F Cornell University [continued]– Saratoga races won by, 51-52, 56-57. Seaman Cup presented to, 123. Sharpless Cup race of, 105. Trip abroad (1879), 75-77. University of Wisconsin vs. crew of, 124-125, 128-130. Yale's refusal of challenge from, 65. Corsair, six-oared boat, 8. Cosgrove, J., 395. Costumes, running, 309. Coulter, Harry, 40, 44, 157, 16o, 196- 197. Counting of points in games, 391- 394. Courtney, Charles E., 92, 104-105, 117, 123, 135, 168, 197, 198-199, 220. Cowie, English runner, 327. Coxe, Alexander Brinton, 24. Coxe, weight-thrower, 279, 383. Cracker, ·William, 4. Cregan, J. F., 339, 352. Crescent Boat Club, Boston, 180. Crescent Boat Club, Philadelphia, 59, 152, 162, 167. Crimson appears as Harvard color, 16. Crolius, barge, 12. Crolius boats, 7, l r. Cross, Yale stroke, 102. Cross-country running, 261, 344, 346-353. Crouching start, the, 300-303, 309, 31 I. Crowell, Josiah B., I 4. Crowninshield, Benjamin W., 29. Crowninshield, Frank, 33. Crowninshield, Frederick, 148, 151. Crowther, amuel, Jr., 134 n. Crum, John, 289, 298, 310, 313. Cummings, runner, 323-324.