Rowing and Track Athletics (extract)
Index 447 Tyler, John, Jr., 148. Tyne, crew from the, 159-160. Undine, Yale boat, 17. Undine Boat Club, 24, 152, 163. Union, professional boat, 35. Union Boat Club, Boston, 19, 22-23, 163, 164. Union Boat Club, New York, 187. Union Club, Chicago avy, 180. Union College, admitted to Rowing Association of American Colleges, 49. Crews from, 50-52, 56-57. University Barge Club, 24, 44. University of alifornia, rowing, 138. Track events, 291. University of Iichigan, athletics at, 285-286, 290. University of Pennsylvania, advent of, in four-mile boat-rac– ing, 99-100. Childs Cup races of, 68-69, 72- 73, 79, 80, 91-92, 96, 105. Coached by Ellis Ward, 68, 72, 92, 104, 131, 212. Colors of, first worn in intercolle– giate contest, 270. Cornell beaten by, .at Saratoga (1884), 94-95. Dublin crew beaten by, 134. Henley trip of, 131-134. In Downing Cup race, 102. Minnesota trip of, 1 IO. Poughkeepsie races of, u7-u8, 121-122, 128-131, 135. Sharpless Cup race of, 105. University Barge Club of, 24, 44. University of \Visconsin vs., 128- 130, 131. Varsity races of, 67, 73, 94-95, lOI-104, 106-107, II7, 121, 128-131, 135-136. Yale's defeat by (1899), 103-104. University of Vermont, early view of athletics at, 283-284. University of Virginia, rowing at, 67. University of \ a hington, rowing taken up by, 139. University of \Visconsin, crews from, I 19, 121, 124-125, 128- 129, 138. Upper Hudson Navy, 176. Van Derometer, runner, 270. Van Duzer, Henry S., 194. Van Ingen, hurdler, 357· Van Lennep, oarsman, 52. Van Raden, T., 160. Van Valkenburgh, E. B., I 73. Van \1iet, Philadelphia oarsman, 188. Vesper Boat Club, Glenmont, 163. Vesper Boat Club, Philadelphia, 59, 152, 163, 167, 187. Crew from, in Paris Exposition Regatta, 188-189. Victoria, barge, 10. Vienna, Cornell's race at, 76-77. Vincent, runner, 334. Virginia, college rowing in, 67. Virginia Association of Amateur Oarsmen, 175. Visitor's Cup, Henley, 61-62. Columbia four wins ( 1878), 63- 65, 171, 214. Volante Boat lub, 29. Voorhees, J. S., 372. Vosburgh, W. S., 348. Wachusett Boat Club, 185, 188. Wah-wah-sum Boat Club, 163. TVa/i-wa/i-sum four, 166-167, 174. v aite, Richard, 18. \Valk, seven-mile, 269. Walking, 398-401. Ward, Charles, 149, 155. Ward, Dudley, 132.
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