Running Recollections and How to Train
British College of Physical Education Text Book No. 1. T H E T H E O R Y OF PHYS I CAL EDUCAT I ON IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS , by T H O M A S C H E S T E R T Q N ? Organizing Teacherof FhysieaL Education to the School Hoard for London. LATE CHIEF INSTRUCTOR AT THE ALDERSHOT GYMNASIUM. Author ofMayiual of Drill 6* Physical Exercises, &c.,Src. First-class (Advanced) Certificates for Physiology and Hygiene from the Science Department,South Kensington. Fotmdt'f of the, liritish Collr(/«of I'lli/sical KrJunition. WITH A 1'REFACE BY COLONEL G. M. ONSLOW, Late Inspector of Military Gymnasia in Great Britain, Examiner in Physical Education to the School Board for London. I L L U S T R A T E D . JR IE V IS-E ID IE ID I T O IST . JUNE, 1900. LONDON : GALE& POLUEN, L TD., 2, AMEN CORNER, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G. [All RightsReserved.] THREE SHILLINGS NETT. This work has been adopted by the London School Board for use in their Schools, and is placed on the Board's Requisition List.
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