Running Recollections and How to Train

A SOUVEN I R OF B I S LEY GALE & POLDEN'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM OF BISLEY RIFLE MEETING AND CAMP, Containing" upwards of 60 Illustrations, beautifully piinted from Instantaneous Photographs, of Incidents of the Meeting. PRICE ONE SHI LL ING , POST FREE . SANDOW'S LATEST PATENT GRIP DUMB-BELL R t f a J, 1 I r ^.p ATE.NJ^ I ; mmnt 1 It is the Greatest Invention of the Aye for keeping the Muscles of the whole body in PERFECT condition. The Army use them -The Navy use them—The London Fire Brigade use them-Doctors use them - Travellers use them-Ladies use them ci y Man use them-Children use them Hospitals use them ^ r,ckete . r ® _ them Footballers use them -Athletes u e them-Gymnasts use SANDOW uses them— Everybody should use them. To b e o b t a i n e d f r o m GALE & POLDHN, L t d .