Scientific Athletics
In the e day , wh n ailment whi h oul l be cur cl hy phy ical ex r i - are incr a ing, can it be supposed that th n e ity of x rci e wa · v r gr ater ? Despit this, athletics ar foun l fault with, a being of harm, not only to th l articipators but al o to th well-being of the community. The e a umption are asily refut cl and athl ti sufficientl vinclicated by the fa t ontain cl h r in. It i , of cour e, obviou that wh~n modern y t ms revolutioni e th crude methods of old r time , ob urantist , who till per i t to uphold their ob olete y t ms, naturally attempt to criticise, pecially if th y are aff cted fman ially, the modern progre ive amcnclm nt . But by pla ing auth ·1t.ic information regarding athletic within th reach of the publi , unenlight ncd peopl may b conciliated to th port, and a a con equ nc 1 cl to point out iL ffi a y to oth r . • gain, although athl tics command a fair degree of popularity, ther ar still many pla e where r forms have not been introcluc d. It is in tho e r gions par- ticularly that thi mall volum i p t d to creat an unfailing nthu ia m in athletic port . ome in liviclual might be inclined to critici e this publication on the a _nmption that something mor beneficial mi~ht havt> he~n prodrn eel . In ansv.-cr t< • :mch a riti ·i m I sbatl only ob ervc :- I. That innum rablc publication are <.levoted 't.<, thing fi titious, mythi al, and romantic. Many of the e volumes, a 1aptec1 ta 1 as the tim at the dispo al ,,f capriciou being , ar rt rally ban ful to the int llectual and moral welfare, and those who are th ir vi tim ar gen rally imbu cl with infatuation , and are irre olut and un. crupul u . II. In pra ti ally all other subj t it ha b n th cu tom of tho imm cliat ly con rn l to authenticat <1.ncl hand lown a r ord of th ir r p ctiv ubj cts t their , uc or , in orcl r that th fa ts about su h , nbj t might b a ssihl to other. and open 12
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