Scientific Athletics
w ighing mor than 14 lb . avoirdupoi . lncid ntally a judi ious pro edure i to fix a short haft to the 14 lb. shot. This an w rs th purpos admirably, as it adapts th b ginner for the mor strenuou xertion involv cl by a 28 lb. weight. \\'ith regard to recr ation-ground, th ame mu t b level and fre from imp diment . Th athlete i per– mitted to obtain the nece ary mom ntum within a ircl mea uring 9 ft. in diamet r ; hut like all other athleti feat , th present one is executed in different way by differ nt athletes. For in tan e, Mr. A. ameron, our a redited vveight-throwing champion, ob erves only a s mi-circular movcm 'nt ; \\'hil t oth r athl tes revolv the hody cir uitou ·]y three times. l\lr. am ron i however inv ted with abnormal str ngth and proportion . o that it \\'Oulcl he mor or 1 pr - po terou to imitat hi peculiar tyle. As th re ult of con id rable xp ri n e, w unhe i– tatingly affirm that on turn hould at fir t b adopt d, and uh equ ntly two turn . or v n three, provid d that th p rform r b po es cl of a powerful grip. The following i th method which w advocate: tand about ix f et behind th . tanc , with the back parallel th r to, and, ntrary to th, general cu tom, hold th weight at th 1 ft i l . In this manner on is nabl d to bring th weight backwards, an l a com– plish the effort immecliat ly without dis ipating tr ngth and vitality by p nclulating th weight b tween th feet, a in oth r styles, b fore r valving th body. In gra ping th ,veight, hav th ring ther of resting upon the c ntra] joints of the fingers, for in thi mann r th ,,., ight an b di char, cl with fa ility. \Vh n th w ight i · u tain cl on the ont r fing r-joints, the grip is on id rally weak n 1, an l consequ ntly one annot gain gr at impetu . .\gain wh n ustain cl up')n th fing r-roots, not only i. th re dang r in urrecl of injuring th hand, but the weight annot h prop rly thrown. nc ntrate the will upon th ri ht arm and hancl, 116
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