Scientific Athletics
grasp the weight determinedly, and wing 1t 111 a semi- circular motion to th ' right id . imultaneou 1 in line the body forwarcls. and hencl th limb o as to pre er\'e the hodily equilibrium. Thereafter swing the weight round as forcibly as pos:ible, and at the ame time bring the right foot forward and r volve upon the left toe. Then t p with th l ft foot toward th stan ; simultaneously step outwarcl with the right foot and instantly bring the lcft foot again t th tan , from which po. ition th w ight is forcibly dis har d. part from some mom ntary halts, the above mov m nts are to be concat nat d and execut 1 vigorou ly. Endeavour to di charge th weight high by mean · of an adroit turn of the bccly. Tl1e impctu · of the final ffort g nerally impels the body forward, when its balanc should immccliat ly b' regained. :\lost athlet 'S ha,'e their mrn peculiarities in revolving with th' weight. Hen no confirmed rule can b' gi,,en. for the \\' 'ight-throw r mu t develop ancl perfect his mm particular styl . The weight is al o thrown in ,,·hat i alled ''Th Pendulum t ·le.'' \Ye strongly recomm nd thi · m thod to th no\'ice, as i l eng ncl 'rs no risk of injury, a urning of course that a rational weight be u ·eel. ::\1or o,· r it trength ns the fo1gcrs, which is ,·cry important, a a ". 'ak hand woulcl in alculably retard aclvancem nt in w ight-throwing. Th' bocly ·al ·o i · gr atly benefit d inasmuch a · th' mu cle: of the che t, back, aims, and legs a.r' symmetrically cl,,. ,Jop cl and trengthcned. Thi. styl ob,·iously clcmand ·trength, for mu h skill cannot be introclnced. I la e the 1 ft foot in contact with th· stan' , the \\·eight approximating th same, anct with the corr sponcling foot b hind. 'ra p the weight as formerly, b ncl th 1 g, and, ,Nithout vary– ing the position of the fe t. pendulate th ,,. ight two or mor, tim 'S. In 'line the l ody forward. ju t as th Jina.I backward _.,,·ing is complelecl, and th n d 1i r the weight as forcibly as possible, x rci ing are to 117
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