Scientific Athletics
CHAPTER XII. V LTI O F all th light-w ight athl te's f at , that of vaulting i undoubt dly th mo t fa cinating. Ind eel, w unh itatingly tate that as a <.lemon tration of kill th performance of the pr ent f at equal , if not xc ls, all oth r athl ti p ctacl . "Vaulting consid rably improve both the bodily and m ,ntal facultie , a it induce ah althy phy i al develp– ment and harp n the wits. Th cir ulation and formation of the blood are favourably influ nc 1, and a thorough a ration of the blood by fr e expo ur to expan ive breathing i obtain d, and thi again induces that full vital power on which th a tivity of th mind . o larg ly d pend . This feat, how ver, i not re ommended i.o youthful nthu ia ts on a count of it oncu i or agitating t ndency. In this onnection it mu t b impre cl upon the novic that a y t hi body ha not attained it full tr ngth, and on qu ntly it i ery u c ptibl to all xtraneou influ nc . Hence the n c ity of precaution again t un uitable ex r i e which might ubv rt th c nfiguration of th accre cent. body and Io ibly in luce h rnia, thu owing the eed of irr - parabl troubl and expunging all opportuniti s of ucc s in athletics. .A previou ly advi d, th b ginn r hould procure a ub tantial bamboo pol m a uring about 13 f et. Ji. mu t b thoroughly r liable, and provided with a trifurrate iron. 123
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