Scientific Athletics

Vaulting hould only l e practi d upon a mooth lawn. The b ginner should endeav ur to acquire a style of his own, and b ont. nt with p rsistently learing a h ight of ven feet. The length of the run tak n is u ually about thirty yar l , hut in th b ginning tw nty yards would uffice. With regard to the mann r in which to hold the pole, thi must vary ac ordin to th cir um tan es of th ca , b cau an ex ptionally tall man would n c s– sarily hold the hands forth r apart than would a com– paratively short man. Mo t athl te hav the hands over three f et apart . Practi al exp riencc will show that when the hand ar h 1 l too lo con iderable train will b involved upon the arms and ch t when th body is being levatecl. The upp rmo t hand may gra p th pole at a point about 1 ~ fe t higher than th transver e-bar. Practically all athlet Yault differently. om take th run quickly, other run more d lib rat ly, whil t. oth rs run in a omewhat zig-zag manner. N" o confirmed rule can be giv n a to wh r the J ole shoul l be plant cl before th body i el vat cl. Aftcr car ful ob. ervation w a. c rtained that. profi ient vaulters pla cl th pol upon an imaginary straight lm drawn b tw en t.h upright pol , whil t others gen rally appro. imat. d that. point. mor or les . It. i th r for only by continual pra tic that the beginn r an und rstand th p culiariti of the f at. athl t s, wh n learing the tran v r -lath, am ; hut th gen rality of vault rs go over back towards th bar. Th former style, howev r, i pref rabl , for wh n th p rform r 'lears th cro -bar ther i no probability of hi triking it. in his de nt.. In id ntally w have ob rv d on numerous o ca ions t.hat athlet. who adopt d the latter ·tyl fr qu ntly cl ar d th lath with a ub tantial margin to pare, but notwith tancling that, struck it. in their de c nt.. Having ma. t reel th lem ntar , chara.ct ri ti of 12-1-