Scientific Athletics

to further am ndments, and that other might be induced to follow along th ir particular lin of art, ci nee, etc. The pre ent subj ct, how ver, ha been omewhat neglect d; but thi treatis hould contribute to the awakening of th futur champion athletes to b found later in embryo. A suming that many such treati were daily circulated thr ugh– out all countrie , I presume that the public would appreciate uch literatur . Hence every exp rienced athlete who de ires to b nefit oth r by hi kno,,·– ledg hould accumulat the fruit of hi xperienc , present the ame to ther , and thu facilitat and a ·eel rate their progre , p rhap 1 ading th m out of the cul de sac in which th y might otherv,'i r - mam. It was uch facts a the for going that fir t cau "d me to make th re olution t compo e a volum pecially adapted to an w r not only the requir ment of novice , but al tho e of the health- eeking public. verthe– le , om sceptics may obje t that ome of th pa ag contained her in are of exc ive nthu ia m. But uch ceptic w mu t a ume to b in a gr at m a ur de titut of practi al xp rienc . On th ther hand, it may be affirmed by tho. e who are v rsed in ancl highly t em thi ubj ct that th commendation giv n to the variou alutary port i inad quate con i l ring th ir efficaci lL influ n c up n th human con titution. 1~