Scientific Athletics

CHAPTER XIII . HI :rH LEAP. T HE feat of 1 aping i a fa inating one, and hould b indulg din by all athlet , irre pective of bodily proportion . Apart from it beneficial and ex- hilarating influ nc , it i r omm nded for its adapt– ability, b ing p rformable upon any mall lawn. It i an xcell nt medium for the promotion of health; condu es mat rially to tr ngthen and ymmetri e the phy ique; in rea e th taminal power; and keeps th body in a healthy condition. High leaping is particularly uitabl for tho who wi h to de rea e th ir figur , though any athl tic sport will have the am eff t, an l th UJ erfluou ti 11 will giv pla e t olid mu cl . pr vi usly tated, th am jumping- tand rve both l aping ancl vaulting purpo e . t th m in a uitabl po ition, and arefully a rtain that the ground i fr from all promin nc and d p dent ·. It i advi abl to pra ti upon 1 \' 1 grouncl,but th pol may b so adju t cl that th '' tak off'' will b mad from a , light el vation. Th fir t inter ting point to ·on id r i th tyle to b adopt d, and a. th r are v ral in vogu , it i not po ibl to advo at any parti ular n . Vo/ re the novi e to mak: i1we. ti ation a to the mo t up rior t 1 in high leap, h wonlcl almo t invariably find that every , uc ful leaper would uphold the advantag of hi. own partirular tyl . The mo t natural m thod may com und 'r the di. tingui hing nam of ''sid - 127