Scientific Athletics

1 aping." In thi tyle the modus operandi i as follows :- The athlete runs towards the lath from a tangential direction, throw the 1 g neare t the ro - bar upward , dravving the oth r leg after the am , and wriggl dext rou ly O\' r the bar in an upright attitud . nother tyl i to take a imilar run, an 1 tarting from either leg roll th body, a it were, ov 'r th lath. , ome athl t adopt thi method, but omit the latt r mov ment, thu 1 aring th bar with the b dy horizontal and apparently rigid. Num mu leaper favour the tyl ,:vhich we ma all "direct-leaping," that i , th y run toward th tran ver el . \Vh n cl aring th lath, how ver, ach individual negotiat 'Orne personal ''flouri he '' which characteri e hi own tyl . ome athl t 1 ap sid - wavs, oth r fac the transv r e lath ju. t wh n cl aring the same ; whil other pring ov r in an ere t and p uliarly grac ful fa hion. Th ' latt r tyl are with mor diffi ulty accompli heel, and ther for demand cleliberat and a siduou pra ti e. ide-leaping, on the oth r hand, i th mode on would naturally adopt n account of its implicity. The ond important point to onsid ~r i, th mann r in which to gracluat a prop r amount of imp tus b fore th spring. ~ \s will h inf rr cl, here again athl te cliff r v ry con icl rably. ome profici nt jump r. p rform th run qui kly, but th gen rality of them xe nt it v ry cl lib ratel ; for . om ven walk until within a few yard from. th upright poles, an l then ex rt th m ,1v qui kly and powerfully. Thi latt r m thocl i to be r comm nclecl, ina. much as th beginner mu. t r ly mor upon th mu cular . pring than the attain d bv th run. \Vhen a for ibl run i t.ak n, its ten 1 '11 y i to impel th body forwards instead of upward.. The novic should al o a,·oi<l p rforming th run clown hill, a this has the above inclination, an<l o in vitably inclu e an inf rior tyle. H may, howev r, aclvantag ou ly 1 ap again t the decline. 12