Scientific Athletics
hroth r cl ~arcd approximately 43 f et in actual corr.– petition, although he had had no pr paratory practic whatever in the port. \Yith refer nee to ,, hat the novic of 16- 17 years may achi " after a a on's ex1 erien , w . u g st that 35 f et would be highly er ditabl ; while the accompli hm nt of 30 f et by a boy of 15 would be qually promising. The athl t who ex ed 42 f t i. tolerably proficient, while th p rformance of 45 f et ,,. ulcl instal the p rform r in th for mo t rank of u e. sful athlete . It i int r ting to note that th half-century distanc has n ,, r b n a hi v d under auth ntic condition , although ome athl te have r turn d figure exceeding 49 fe t. 136
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