Scientific Athletics
CHAPT ER XIX. PRO}IL 'E~ .T ,~COTTL'H .\THLETES .\ ~D THEil{ PERFOIDI. \ . ·cE.'. D.t)1.DA'.\r~. PARTICK. Famous all-round lwan·-,,eight at.hick. Has accornplislwd innumerable brilliant achic\'e11wnts. . verage al out as Jollo\\"s: 16 lb. hammer. 112 ft. ; 2:2 lb. hammer, 90 ft.; 16 lb. :hot., -15 ft. ; ancl 22 lb.. hot. 37 ft. J>roficient cabcr– tos. er and wrestler. G. ::\I. BAI::S: , .\LxEss. One of .'cotland 's most famous all– rouncl light-,,· ·ight at.hletcs. Neomi l ligh leap. o rt.. and long !(•ap. 21 ft. Su cessful and hurdler. 1-18
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