Scientific Athletics

E. BEA fO:'\'. GL.\sc~O\\.. J>roficicn t hc,l\·y-\\·eig ht a thlctc. :\[ost succes. ful wrc!->tlcr. f·:xce ·<is 105 ft. and -+ 1 ft. with light hammer and ·hot rcspccti\'cly. J. BETTIE, .\HERDEE:\'. Jloldcr of Scottish record in ''Hop, Step, and Leap·' distance, -19 ft. l in .. achieved at Kinross in 1906. Many other brilliant performances. ]. BUCHAN, PAR'rrci-:. Famous leaper. During 1898 he won twenty-five first prizes in high leaping contests, was undefeated, and the average ol his . CYcn best pcrfonnanccs was 5 ft. l IJ in. He frequently cleared over 6 ft. in high leap. 21 ft. in long leap, and H ft. in hop, step. ancl leap. A. A. CAMERON, LocHABER. \Yorld's Champion Heavy– \Veight .\thletc. llolder of FIFTEEN \ ORLD's RECORDS, a follows: Ha11m1er-throwi11{{ By-+ ft. 2 in. stiff handle, Scottish styl , 16 lb., 122 ft. 101 in. ; do. cl . 22 lb., 100 ft. 9 in. Weight– throwing 28 lb., 66 ft. } in.; 56 lb.. 3-1 ft. lin. '/wt-puttina- 16 lb.. -17 ft. 8 in.; 18 lb.. -+-+ ft. -l.\ in; 20 lb., -ll ft. 1.\ in. ; 21 lb., -10 ft. -+ in. ; 22 lb., -10 ft. l in.-; 24 lb., 36 ft.Gin. ; 28 lb. , 3-l ft. llin.; 36 lb., 28 ft. 5 . 1, in.; -12 lb., 26 ft. l!. in.; and 56lb.. 20 ft. 2 in. Other· performances: - t>1tiochry: 22 lb. stone, ~39 ft.. 10 in.; 16 lb. stone, -16 ft. G in. .\bovne: 22 lb. . tone, 38 ft.. 9 in.; 2-lJ lb. hammer, 85 ft.. 8 in. · Lnverne s: 201 lb., -ll ft. 3 in.; 21 lb. 5 oz. hammer, 100 ft. .\.bcr– fcldy: 22 lb. stone, 39 ft. 61 in. ~ethy Bridge : 17 lb. hammer (long handle), 128 ft. -l in. Thornton : 16 lb. shot, -18 ft. 2 in. ; 16 lb. hammer, 118 ft.. (1906) Calstonc: 56 lb. w ight, 30 ft. 9 in. Lumphannan : 1G lb. stone, -+6 ft.. 6 in. trathpeffcr: 18~ lb. hammer, 108 fl. 10 in. Lochabcr: 16 lb. shol, "15 ft. I 1-in. ; 56 lb. \\" •ight., 32 ft. ~1 in. ; ancl 22 lb. hammer, 99 ft. 6 in. Skye: 16 lb. shot., -17 fl. ; 22 lb. shot, 38 ft. 5 in.; 19 lb. hammer, 102 ft. 5 in.; and 22 lb. hammer. 91 ft. :'-iorthern '.\Ic •tings (confined to ~orthcrn Counties) \\'on 1G lb. hammer. 109 ft. 10 in. ; do. 16 lb. shot. -16 ft. 9 in. ; do. caber. Op '11 \Von 22 lb. hammer, 91 ft. 6 in. ; do. 22 lb. ·tone, 39 ft. 11 in. ; and do. caber. During seasons 1907-9-10-11 lr. ameron main tainecl his unquestionable supremacy as the world's champion all-round hea\')'-\\ ight alhlck of the present "eneration. For example, at a small Highland Gathering, to wit, Dornoch, his p rformanccs \\ere as follows: \Yon lf lb. hammer, 121 ft. ; 22 lb. do., 90 ft.; 22 lb. shol, 39 fl.; \\Oil caber-t. ssing and \\ r 'slling contests. :\lr. Cameron i: alwavs willing to conte t supremacy in the ''heavy' ' feats with any eligible athlete in th world. LEX. ' ,\MERO:-, TOR! l"NDY. I fas repcalcdly ,·ault.ccl 10 ft., and is an exccll ·nt all-round leaper. Jou A~IEROK, l'O\I\CH \RR!Clf. Spl ·nclicl all-round leaper. Ila· vaulted 10 ft. 2 in.; long leap. 19 ft.Gin.; and high leap, 5 ft.Gin. 1-L