Scientific Athletics
JAMES CAMPBELL, VIEMORE.-Proficient heavy-weight athlete Approximates 100 ft. in throwing the 16 lb. hammer. A. ]. CHI HOL 1, BEAULY.- Champion amateur athlete. Record- 16 lb. hot, -iO ft. 4 in., and 16 lb. hammer, 100 ft. Innumerable succe es. EvAN LAYTO , ELGIN.-Famou heavy-weight athlete. Winner of ov r 3,000 prizes. hampion veteran athlete. 1906-Putted the 22 lb. hot 30 it. 3! in., and threw the 56 lb. weight over 25 ft. Glen rquhart: Won 56 lb. weight, 28 ft. ; 3rd in putting stone, 36 ft. 1 in. ; and 3rd in hammer-throwing contest: distance, 96 ft. 11 in. Mr. layton is about 60 years of age, and is one among a thousand proofs of the beneficial influence of athleticism. HUGH CooKE, HELENSBURGH. -- Most successful all-round leaper. Has fr quently approximated 21 ft. in long leap, and i a " class ·' performer in all-round athletics. D. CORBETT, FALKIRK.-Famous all-round light-weight athl te. Has frequently vaulted 11 ft., and 5 ft. 10 in. in high leap. During ea on 1907 he won 12 fir t prizes in high-leap contests, and 18 firsts, econds, and one third in vaulting-a mo t creditable record. ~ eedless to add, his successes during ea ons 1908-9-10-11 were equally numerou and meritorious. F. R. RA rn, LNE s. - Famou all - round middle- weight athlete. Record- 16 lb. hammer, 112 ft.; 16 lb. shot, 40 ft. ; high leap, 5 ft. 9 in. ; long leap, 21 ft. ; hop, step, and leap, 44 ft. ; and pole vault, 11 ft. l\lost successful sprinter, etc. Do ALD Drn IE, ABERDEEN.-Scotland's mot celebrated athlete. Born at boye, Aberdeenshire, on June 10, 1837, so that he i now approximately 75 year of age-a standing testimony to th efficacy of athletics. \ hen only ixteen year he won laur ls in wrestling, and did not hesitate to contend with men of much greater weight and experience. However, it wa:-; not until he was thirty that he determined to adopt wrestling and athletics generally as a m ans of livelihood, and began s riously to prepare for the work. The following is a compendium or his extraordinar achiev ments :-Won about 11 ,000 prizes, including 130 championship cups, and ov r £25,000 in ca ·h. Jn recognition of his all-round athleti prowess Ir. Dinnie was presented with a massive silver belt, on which are mounted ten gold plat s, upon which are inscribed th following remarkable s ries of records:-''\ inner of over 2,000 wrestling contests. In 1882 won th champion medal for mixed wrestling at ~ cw Jer ey, l . . . \ on the all-round wrestling championship of the world at Melbourne Wre tling Tournament in 1 85, and was champion of 'cotland over a quarter of a century.'' ''\Von over 2,000 contests for hammer throwing. Best records on level, fair stand :- By 4 fl. 2 in. still hand! , 16 lbs., 132 ft.; by-! ft. in. handle, 16 lb ., 138 ft. 3 in.; by 4 ft. 2 in. stiff handle, 22 lbs., 10-i} ft.; by 4 ft. 2 in. stilt 150
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