Scientific Athletics
handle, -1--1- lbs. , 56 1 it.'' ''\\'on OYcr 1, '00 contests for putting t.he " ·eight. Best re ords on Je,·el, \\ilh 71 ft.. run, 16 lb. , -1-9 ft. 6 in. ; 22 lb., 39 ft. 9 in. ; 2-1- lh. , 37 ft. 9 in. Fair stand, 28 lh., :32 ft. 10 in. ; and 56 lb., 20 ft. 6 in. '' '' \\'on 300 contest· for throwing the 56 lb. weight. Best H.ccords By chain, fair stand, -1-0 ft. 6 in. For height over bar, 13 ft. 11 in. '' ''\ on over 1,-1-:00 cont.e ts for tossing the caber. Cnbeatcn for over -1-0 years. \Von championship of Australia at caber and wrestling al Goulbourn, • T., .\V., in 1891. Beat all comers in South Africa in 1 9 ." "All-round champion athlete of the world. \Von over 1, 00 contests for leaping. During 1860 cleared ov ·r 5 ft. 11 in. on everal occa ions. Got a record of 6 fl. 1 in. at TurriiT, Abcrdeenshir ·. ccomplishccl 20 ft. 1 in. in long l ap. \Von several hundreds of prizes for step-dancing, rifle shooting, quoit playing, etc.'' ''\Von over 800 flat and hurdle races. \Von champion medal at Philadelphia., and gold medal at Luck– now, Canada, in 1 2. On the same occasion won the champion– , hip of America as th best all-round athlete. \Von the all– round champion trophy of ,' at Coat.bridge in 1864. '' "Won over 200 contests for dumb-bell and weigh-lifting. nest feats : Lift d 168 lb. in one hand lo stretch of arm over head. Lifted 132 lb. in right and 120 lb. in left to shoulder and then to stretch of arms over head.' ' A. FIN IE, DUMFRIES. Hecord - Parlick : 16 lb. hammer, 110 It. 1 in. Airclri ,: Pole jump, 10 ft. 2 in. Glasgow: 16 lb. hammer, 110 ft. 6 in. :1fr. Finnie hacl repeatedly exceed d 112 ft. and 4-1- ft. with the light hammer ancl shot respectively ; pole vault, 10 fl. 6 in., ancl high leap, 5 ft. 7 in . .\. GATHERER, SIIETTLESTON. - ' ucce sful 12 stone athlete. Ha · frequently exceeded -1-2 ft. with Lhc 16 lb. shot. Propor tionate ucc ·ss in other feats . J.urns RAIIA:.\I, PARTICK. Height, 5 fl. 11 in. \\'eight, 14 stone. Junior Heavy-\\' ight Champion thlclc at Thorn- ton Athletic .' ports in 1909-10. Record- 16 lb. hamm r, 103 ft . ; 16 lb. shot, -1-1 ft. ,' ucc ssful cab r-tosser ancl wrestler. ALEX. J. I GRAM, EDINB RGll. Famous all-round light– weight athlete. Mr. l ngram 's brilliant athletic succe ·scs arc literally numberless. The follo\\'ing arc some of his ' veryday achievements: Pole vault, 11 ft. ; high leap, 5 It. 10 in . 56 lh. weight , 28 It. l le is also singularly successful in Cuml·cr– land and wrestling, frequently cldca Ling opponents fin! hea,ier than himself. G. H . J 011Ns rO)IE, .\BEKDEEN . One of Scoltancl 's at.h!l'Lic prodigies. Before the ach·ent of :\lr. A. .\. Cameron he lwld the world 's r ·core] in thro,,·ing the 16 lb. hammer with a distance of 119 ft. ~ in. At. Thornton Games, 1905, he threw a 16 lb. hammer 1 f5 It., being second to l\lr. Cameron. Mr. Johnston· is now a veteran at.hlel ', but he is still powerful in athletic feats. 152
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