Scientific Athletics

.\1.Ex. KE:"\;\"EDY, l:-:s11. .\lo,,t ,,ucccs:ful athlete. \\"on thL' long leap Cl)mpetition at Kingm;sic Games, 190(1. with 19 ft. 6 in. '.\Ir. T(C'nnecly has frequently exceeded 20 rt. in long leap. and has been irn·ariabh· successful. DONALD '.\TcDo:-.1.\LD. J>. \RTICK. Famous hea, ,·-\\-eight athlete. Nenml Dunbeath : 21 lb. -;tone. 39 ft. 2 in·. l~!an– tvr': 16 lb. shot. -J.:3 fl. 1-:clinburgh: 18 lb. shot, .J.() ft. i.'orfar: 16 lb. shot, -k'i It. 2 in. .\t Dennyloanhcacl '.\Lr. :\IcJ)onald putt.eel a ball , " ·hich was slight.I:;- under 16 lbs. a\C)irdupois. ti> within 1 inch ot 50 feel a magnificent performance. l n hammer-thr<)\\ ing he has registered distances van·ing irom 105 ft. to 112 fl. lt is unnccessan· to add an,· mim.: of '.\[r. '.\lcDonald 's man,· fine achie,·cments. Suf1icc it .to sa,· that he has invariabl\- atigmentcd them, and has always supp1)rll'd the cause of athletics. II. "'.\f. '.\L\ - i,;:,Y, P .\Rf!CK. Proficient all-round hea,·y- weioht athlete J~rn:s: '.\IcK~~ZIE , PARTl · i-.:: . Champion all-round athlete ot the world. '.\Ir. '.\IcKenzic 's title a - an athl le e,·identh· oh\'iates the necessity of adding an:,, oi his magnificent p 'rformance.-; but for the r ader 's b 'nefit the following may be obsen·ed as his usual achi vcments: 1-t lb. hammer, 130 ft. ; 16 lb. hammer. 115 ft.; 22 lb. do .. 92 ft.; 16 lb. shot, -131 ft.; 22 lb. do., 361 ft.; long leap, 21 ft. ; high leap, 5 ft. 9 in. ; pole vault, 11 ft. ; hop, step, and leap, -t-1 IL ; ·Landing high leap, 5 it. ; standing long leap, 101 fl. ; 100 yards sprint, 10 1-5 sc . ; 56 lb. weight (no hain), 26 It.; 56 lb. do. , for height on,r bar, 12} ft.; etc .. etc. KE ETJI :\kKE zrn, 1 >ING\\'ALL. Famous light-,,·eight athlete and step-dancer. The fact that l\Ir. l\Icl<cnzie is a brother of :\Ir. J. .:VI Kenzi ', the "oriel's hampion all-round athlete, is sufficient proof of his athleli ability. Jk has repe:atedly cleared 5 ft. 9 in. in high jump, has won innumerable raCC!:i, including championships. to say nothing concerning his dancing succ 'sses. HARLES :\.IcLE.\:-., COMRIE. Famous all-round hean· " ·eight athlete. .\ fe\\ of his performances arc: Thornton: 16 lb. shot, -16 ft. 6 in. ; 16 lb. hammer, 95 ft. 10 in. Dornoch : 22 lh . shot, 37 It. ; high l 'ap, 5 ft. 9 in. ; 22 lb. hammer, 72 ft. 2 in. ; and 56 lb. weight, 25 ft. .\Im : high leap, 5 ft. LO in . Gart more : 16 lb. shot, -15 ft. 10 in. Thornton : 16 lb. shot, -!-! fl. 2 in . Saughton : pole vault , lO fl. 9 in. lm erness: high leap. 6 ft. ; 22 lb. shot, ~37 ft. 9 in. ; pole vault, 10 ft. 8 in . :.\1 r. McLean holds the LG lb. shot-putting re onl at .\boyne distance, -16 ft . IO in. XEIL :\1cLE,\N, GArnLoc1:-1. \'cry proficient athlete. Al Forres Sports, 1905, he won the 16 lb. shot-puttin° competition with the creditable distance of -tO ft . 10 in., and was second in hammer-throwing contest with 101 ft. 1 in. Mr. l\l Lean is an amateur athlete. and i · uniformly successful. 153