Scientific Athletics

GEORGE MERCH NT, LP?>IPHA A . ~To ·t successful all– round light-w ight athlete. Has frequently vaulted 10 H. 10 in., 5 ft. 9 in. in high leap, and is a most proficient sprinter, hurdler, etc. JoH JAMES MILL R, ALLOA.- Famous all-round heavy- weight athl t . porting Journalist, cotland' Physical ulture Expert, and ·world ' s uthority on 'cotti h ports. Author of Scottish 'ports : and How to Excel in Thenz, Leng's Physical Culture. Record- 13 tone Champion \ restler of 'cotland. Winner of oronation hampionship ( trathallan Games) ; International hampionship (Edinburgh) ; 14 tone Scotti h Championship (Helcnsburgh) ; arkeek' halleng0 up ( tirling) ; ollege of Physical ulture Gold Medal (Glas– gow) ; etc., etc. Mr. Millar ha done more to increa e the J opularity of athletics than any other cottish authority, past or pre ent. JAME MoRRISO . PARTICK.- Famous all-round heavy- weight athlete. fr. Morri on held the 16 lb. hammer-throwing record at one time with the distance of 118 ft. 10 in. ome of hi · everyday p rformances are :- Lairg : 22 lb. hammer, 92 ft. 5 in. ; 22 lb. shot, 36 ft. Luss: 16 lb. hammer, 109 ft. 9 in.; 56 lb. weight, 34 ft. 4 in. Thornton : 16 lb. hammer, 113 ft. Mr. Morrison has frequ ntly exceeded 115 ft. with the light hammer, ,rn it. with 16 lb. hot, 33 ft. with th 56 lb. weight, and 60 ft. with the 2 lb. weight. LEX. Mu RO, GovAN. Britain's ex-champion catch-as-catch– can wrestler. Record 22 lb. shot, 37 ft. ; 16 lb. shot, 44 ft. ; 16 lb. hamm r, 110 ft. ; and 56 lb. weight, 34 ft. PETER M RO, PARTICK.- Ileight, 6 ft. Weight, H Junior champion heavy-weight athlete at Thornton thletic Sport·, 1911. Record-16 lb. hammer, 105 ft., and 16 lb. shot, 41 ft. GEORGE MURRAY, ROGART.- cotland's hampion Long Leap r. Although quite a young man Mr. Murray ha partici– pated in athletic during a period of about 20 years, and , were his succe ses enumerated, a va t volume would be comprised. When only about 13 years of age he showed conspicuou merit. in athletic ports. Few year elapsed l fore he developed his inherent ndowments to a comparatively consummate deare ', with the result that h had had no serious oppo it.ion in the ;-forth of 'cotland. ome of his most er ditabl achievement. wer registered before the generality of present clay champions w re in the field. However, hi great.est performance cannot be accurately giv n on account of the varying conditions under which they were accomplished. But it. should be generally known that he fr •qu ntly cleared about 6 ft. in high leap ; 22 ft. in long I ap; 10 ft. 6 in. in the pol vault; while hi succes. cs in printing, hurdling, obstacle rac s, distance running, 154