Scientific Athletics
ha~ been pre eminently successful in alhlctics, as lhe fol lo" ing performances indicate : High leap, 6 ft. ; long leap, 22 fl. 9 ins.; pole vaull, 10 ft. 10 in.; and hop, step, and leap, 46 fl. Equally rnerilorious arc his successes in sprinting, hurdling, distance running, clc.. etc. ::\I. ::\I. :\[uRRAY, H.OG\RT. Famous all-round ligh-wcight alhlclc. ,'omc of :\lr. :\Iurray ' s performances arc : Skye: Succcs:ful in long leap. high leap, vaulting, ancl hurdle race. l)ornoch: \\·on vaulting contest (10 fl. 5 in.); \\011 440 ,·arcls ra e ; 100 yards race ; and hurdle race. Open Succ ssful in vaulting (10 fl. 5 in.), etc. Lairg: \\'on vaulting competition (10 ft. 9 in.); high leap, 5 ft. 7 in.; long leap. 21 ft.; 400 yards race; and mile race. At Brora Athletic Games he made his pr -sence kno,, n most effectively, as the lollo\\'ing list illustrates: 1 sl, 100 varcls race. 1st, vaulting (10 ft. 6 in.). I. t, sack race. 1st, three-legged ra e. 2nd, Jong leap (19 fl. 2 in.). 2ncl, high leap (5 ft. 9 in.). 2ncl, 400 vards ra e. 2nd, 22 lb·. shol (contest for athletes under l l stem') (31 ft. 9 in.). fl is interesting to note lhat :\Ir. i\furray has frequently high leaped 4 in h 'S mor than his own height. I le has generally vaulted 10 ft. 10 in. when pressed, and on one memorable occasion ,·atdtcd the extraordinary h -ight oJ 1 L fl. 3 in., thus, like his brother George achie,·ing something emphatically greal. s a sprinter, hurdler, mile racer, wre. tier, etc., he has been pc uliarly successful. so lhal the enumeration of his su ccsses would swell this small \'Olumc exorbitantly. \\'. :VI ' RRA Y, noGART. '.\lost successful all-round light. weight athlet '. The youngest of the '.VTurray family, :\Ir. \\'. '.\.Iurray has been singularly su cessful in athletics. \\'hen only 19 years of age h annex cl premier honours in imporlant running and I ·aping conlest.s. Among his p 'rformancc: is a long leap of 20 ft. 6 in., a high leap of 5 ft. 8 in., and a pole vault of 10 ft. n in. part from his leaping successes Mr. Murray has been eminently successful in sprinting and e running, and, b 'ing only in his 23rd year, his athletic powers arc naturally far from being fully developed, so that \\'' may saf ·ly expect som ·thing quite extraordinary from him. H.. G. Ml.'RRA Y, l~AGLESIIA:IJ. - Famous high leaper. llas frcqu ·ntly high jumped 5 ft. 10 in. lnnumerablc and bnlliant successes. H l'GH XICOLSO. , KYLES OF HL'TE. Famous all-round hca, y weight athlct. . The following arc Mr. Xicolson 's ever 'day p •rforman cs: -16 Ju. hammer, 112 ft.; 22 lb. do., 90 ft.; 156
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