Scientific Athletics

16 lb. shot. -lS fl. ; 15·/ lb. shot, -l9 ft. ; 22 lb. shot. 37 ft.; and 56 lb. weight, ~{() ft. .I OHN XI OLSON, KYLES OF Jh'TE. Famous all-round hea\·y– \\ cighl athlete. :\1cmber of the Xicolson family of athletes. !?£'cord 16 lb. shot, -lS ft. ; 22 lh. do., 37 fl.; 16 lb. hammer, 110 Jt. ; and has thrown the 28 lb. "·eight approximately 70 H. T. H. X1c0Lsox. KYLhS OF B ·TE. 'hampion .\mateur ] lammer Thrower of Britain. Some of :\Ir. Xicolson's principal performances arc as follows: 16 lb. hammer. amateur style, about 170 feet; 16 lb. shot, -l..J- ft.; 22 lb. shot. 37 fl. He has really no serious opposition in hammer throwing in amateur circles in this country. Too frequently he has a margin varying from 25 fl. lo -lO ft. to spare\\ lien winning the amateur champion– ships. ::\lr. Xicolson has approachecl 1.hc world's record with an .\merican pat.tern of hammer. J A'.\!ES 1{01rn. ])YKE. .'ucccssful amateur athlete. Forres: rn lb. hammer. 10-l ft. 5 in. Elgin : heavy hammer, 90 fl. 2 in. ; 56 lb. weight, 25 fl. 7 in. ; 26 lb. weight. 50 ft. '.\lr. l<obb is an enthusiastic sportsman, and has in,·arial>ly upheld the honours of amateur sports. DONALD l<oss. l\.tLTARLLTY. This famous , II-round hean-– \\eight was born at Kiltarlil_' in 1876. His athletic propensity asserted itself at an early period, for when only 20 years of agC' he easily won the putting c mpetitions held at Beauty, Dingwall, and Inverness nnd 'r amateur rules. He also established a fresh Scot.t.ish amal 'ur hammer throwing record by throwing a 16 lb. mi. sile precisely I o .. q f cl. During the following year in Hamp– den Park, (~lasgow, he annexed both the hammer throwing and shot-putting competitions. In the latt r feat he accomplish cl -ll ft. 10 in. Thereafter Ir. lfoss surrendered his amateur status, and almost immediately shewed his prowess in the professional ran ks. ln 1897 he clde:1ted that renowned prodi oy– G. 1 l. Johnstone in both the stone and hammer contests. In the latter he covered l LS ft. with a 16 lb. hammer. In season 1898 the putting h·1mpionship of S otlancl was a contro,·ertiblc point. until the Pitlochry Carnes Committee cletcrminecl to clear a"a,· the doubts "hi h hacl accumulated. The,· accord– inl{ly incluct•cl the foremost putters '.\1cLean. :\IcLachlancl, :\1 t\ air, and J ohnslone Lo contest the co, eted honour under authenticated conditions. ::\lr. Hoss \\On the championship with obvious <·ase, his exhibition being superb. I fc putted 16 and 22 lb. balls the rcspecth·e and splendid distances of ..J-5 ft. and 36 fl. 8 in. In 1899 he ompetecl at Brea<lalbane Gathering. Aberfelcly, where his performance up to thal lime ''was the fuw t ever a complislwcl in the " rid.·' '.\Jr. Hoss putted an 1 ' lb. shot the magnificent distance of -l:3 fl. 81 in.. xceccling 1.lw world's pn•vions record by 6 inches. \\'ith 1.h' 16 lb. shot 157