Scientific Athletics

his effort was great-46 ft. 3 ins. The 22 lb. shot he putted 37 ft. n ins.-half an inch behind the world's record. These performance w r absolutely genuine, in fact his efforts with the light balls were actually a trifle uphill. At Drumblain he putted a 16 lb. shot 45 :ft. 9 in .-9 inches over his own previous record of 45 ft., achieved at Pitlochry in 1898. The follov.ring are ome mor of his performance :-Breadalbane: 16 lb. shot. 45 it. 5 in. ; 21 lb. 15 oz. do., 3 ft. 2 in.; 16 lb. hammer, 114 ft. ; and 22 lb. hammer, 89 :ft. 6} in. Glen l:rquhart: 16 lb. hot, 44 ft. 9 in. Elofo : heavy stone, 39 ft. 3 in. During seasons 190 -9-10-11 "!\Tr. Ross prov d his athletic ability wilh unfailing nergy and . uccess. pecial mention must be made of his 1911 debut. A few instances of his successes will illustrate the fact that he is by no m ans an exhau ted power :-Dornoch : 16 lb. hammer, 117 ft.. ; and 22 lb. shot, 3 ft. ; etc. Brora: 16 lb. hammer, 109 ft. 10 in. ; 16 lb. shot, 43 ft. ; 22 lb. do., 3 ft. Lairg : 22 lb. hot, 39 It. ; and 22 lb. hammer 9 ft. BRYCE \V. 'coTT, KILMARNOCK.- One of cotland's most famous all-round leaper . Durin<Y season 1904, 1905 and 1906 his aggregat of prizes was 63 firsts, 20 second , 16 thirds, and 3 fourth -a total of 102. The followin<Y arc his average f r the above three years : 1904 1905 1906 Hop, step, and leap. 44 ft. 2 in. 44 ft. 7 in. 46 ft. 8 in. Pr •micr Performance : Long leap. 19 ft. 9 in. 20 ft. 31 in. 21 ft. 3 in. 1904 46 ft. 21 ft. 5 in. 1905 46 ft. 5 in. 21 ft. 2 in. 1906 47 ft. 9 in. 22 ft. 3 in. ~Ir. c.:,cott has at all times upheld the cause of athletics, as is indicated by his many fine performances during seasons 1907-8-9-10- i 1. JOHN :'.IITH, TrrnRso. Famous all-round light-weight athlete. Som of his everyday performan cs sine 1906 are: Halkirk: \Von high leap contest, quart r-mile race, and 100 yards race. Inverness : Won high 1 ap contest (5 ft. 9 in.) ; 2nd in hurdl race; and 3rd in vaulting. Lairg : high leap, 6 ft. 1 in. ; long leap, 22 ft. 1 in. Brora : high leap, 5 ft. 11 in. ; quart r-milc rac , etc. Elgin : high leap, 5 ft. 9 in. lva : high leap, 5 ft. 10 in. Mr. mith was for ome tim' re idcnt in ustralia , and during that time h upheld the prestige of cotland in athletic circles, as was evidenced wh n he jumped a height of 6ft. 2in., and long-leap d a distance of 22ft. 101in. and 23ft. 1in. During the season 1911 his p rforman cs w re invariably of a superior ord 'r. J. A.. PEEDIE, FALKIRK. hampion high-leaper of Scotland. :\Ir. Spcedie's success has been ph nom nal. The following are