Scientific Athletics
·ome of hi performances :-Alva: high 1 ap, 5 (i. 10 in. Rothe– ay: high leap, 5 ft. 10 in. Lochgilphead, high leap, 5 ft. 10 in. \Von hop, tcp, and leap competitions at mo t of the prominent athletic gatherings. His average over 12 wins wa over 46 fi. . t Lochgilphead h did ..t,7 ft. 4 in. Durino- eason 1907 he won 1 first prizes in high leap contests. Equally num rou and meritorious ·were his uccesses during the seasons 1908-9-10-11. t tamford Bridge, London, he created a , cotti h record in high 1 ap, the height being 6 ft. 3 in. D. THERLA,. D, RoGART.- ucce sful all-round athlete. Principal performances: 13 lb. hamm r, 125 ft.; 16 lb. do ., 105 ft. ; 16 lb. shot, 41 ft. ; 22 lb. do., 34 fi. 7 in. ; 2 lb. weight, 58 ft. ; 56 lb. do. , 25 it . ..i in. ; long leap, 19 ft. 7 in . ; high 1 ap, 5 H. 4 in. ; and hop, step, and leap, 43 H. ROBERT \VrLSON, PARTICK. - Famous heavy-weight athlete. Hecord- Galston : 16 lb. shot, '*'* ft. 9 in. ; 56 lb. wcirrht, 29 ft. 1} in. Lanark: 16 lb.. hot, ..i,3 ft. 51 in. ; 16 lb. hammer, 104 H. 10 in. ; and 56 lb. weight, 28 ft. 6 in. Vale of Leven : 16 lb.. hot, ..t,3 ft. 7 in. Lumphannan: 16 lb. shot, 45 It. 6 in. Johnstone: 16 lb. shot., ft. 10 in. lloa: 1 lb. shot, ..t,1 ft. 6 in. Mr. \Yilson is on of the most. successful hcavv-w i 0 hl athl tes in the South of , cotland. - R. A. \YrLLIA\,JSO , OUPAR .\NGUs.-Famou · athlete. Although of comparatively light build l\Ir. \ illiarnson has accomplished feats which ca ily instal him amongst the most marv llous athletes which ha pr clue cl. liis fir ·t nd avours were made in 1 92, when h was onl, 16, and so creditable were th 'Y that h was instigated to cultivate further hi abilities. ,'o effectivclv clid he clo so that ~Ir. ~IcCombie Smith penned the follo":ing laudatory remarks concernincr him :-' 'One of the most remarkable throwers of the hammer of th present time is R. .\. \\'illiam. on. lle is onlv 22 year of age and 12 stone in weight, and for his age and \\:eight he is a wonder. There has b en nothing like him at his weight incc l uncan l\lacclonalcl's (Canon Bridge) remarkable feats of ham– mer throwing.'' \mong lr. \\'illiamson's achicYcment · are the following :-I3lackforcl: 16 lb. hammer, lOG ft. Four year lat r, with ame hammer at same place, 112 ft. Thi latter feat app ars to b his premier effort in hammer throwing. ricff: 20 lb. 6 oz. hammer, 89 ft. 8 in. Balbcggie: 16 lb. hamm ·r, 110 ft. \Yest of hf Gathering: lG lb. shot, 43 ft. 4 in _; 22 lb. shot, 3..t, ft. .\rbroath: 20 lb. ston . 38 fi. 9 in. Thi. last. performance is exceptionally fine, as arc the generality of l\1r. \\'illiamson' s eflorts \\'ith other weights. 159
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