Scientific Athletics
Feb. 9.-18 lb. hot. 36 ft. ; do., . tanding styl , 32 H. ; hop. step, and leap, 37 ft. IO in. (unfavourable conditions) ; and H lb. hammer, I 05 ft. ( hort shaft). Feb. 13.-16 lb. hammer, 103 ft. 3 in. (long handle) ; 22 lb. hot, 31 ft. 10 in. ; pol jump, 8 ft. 10 in. ; and long leap, 18 ft. 6 in. Practi. ing caber-tossing. Feb. 15. 1 lb. hammer, 95 ft.-! in.; 16 lb., 38 ft. 5 in .; and 2-t lb. weight, 5-l ft. Feb. 22. Putted the 7 lb. weight, 62 ft. ; 1 ' lb. hammer. 95 ft. 8 in. ; hop, step, and leap, 39 ft. 8 in. (downhill) ; and 2-l lb. w ight, for distance, 5-11 ft. ; do., for height over bar, 13 ft. 7 in. ; standing broad jump, 8 ft. 10 in.; do., high do., 3 ft. 10 in. Iilar. 23.- 18 lb. hammer, 95 ft. 6 in. ; do., amateur , tyle, 106 ft. 7 in. ; high I ap, 5 ft. 3j in. (almo t. genuine) ; hop, step, and leap. 37 ft. (unfavourable conditions) ; and h avy sto1~e (about 40 lb.), 20 ft. 5 in. Throwing weight, etc. l\Iar. 2-l-27. 18 lb. shot, 36 ft. -t in. ; pol vault, 9 ft. -!J in. (not genuine) ; 2-t lb. \\' ight (10 in. chain attached), 5-1- ft. 7 in. ; do., for height (without chain), 1-1- ft. 3 in.; 16 lb. hammer, 100 ft. 9 in.; hop, tep, and leap, 39 ft. 5 in. ; and 56 lb. weight, 20 ft. Mar. 29. 16 lb. stone, 39 ft.; 22 lb. do., 32 ft. ; 18 lb. ham– m r, 95 ft. 10 in.; pole jump. 9 ft. 2 in. ; and high leap, 5 ft. 3} in. Pra ti,'ing running, etc. ,11ar. 30. Thr w th 18 lb. hammer exacth· 96 ft., under verv genuine conditions. Putted lh 18 lb. ball :,6 ft. 9 in.; clo.: standing styl '. 32 ft. 7 in. .\t. 12.30 p.rn. vaulted exactly 9 ft. 7 in. and long !caped 19 ft. 1 in. (conditions nol genuine. ]\.Jar. 31. Putted th· 16 lb. stone :,8 ft. 6 in.; 16 lb. hammer, 95 ft. (uphill) ; high jump, 5 ft. 2 in. ; hop, tcp, and leap, :,9 ft. -tin. ; and standing do., 26 ft. 2 in. April 1. '27 lb., 27.~ It.; 18 lb. hammer, 95 ft. 2 in.; '22 lh. dll., 75 ft. 10 in.; long jump, 1 ft. 3 in. : ancl 2-t lb. \\eight, 55 fl. (long chain attache 1). ,.-1 pril 7. 16 lb. hammer, 97 ft. 8 in. ( hort . haft); 1-1 lb. stone, -lO ft. 3 in. ; 24 lb. "·eight, for height over bar, 13 It. 9 in. ; and standing high leap, -t ft. 1 in . Running. . I /ml 8-21. B •st p rformancc ·: 16 lb. hol, 39 ft. 2 in. (almost g •nninc) ; 22 lb. do., 32 ft. 2 in., (do.) ; 18 lb. hammer, 96 fl. 5 in. ; 22 lb. do., 78 ft. ; pol' vault, 9 ft. 3 in. (gcnuin ') ; high leap, 5 ft. 3] in. (almost g nuine) ; long leap, I 1 ft.; hop, step, ancl leap, 39 ft. ; and 2-l lb. weight, -19 ft. (no chain attached) April 2-t. Threw a hammer, slightly under 16 lb ., exa tly 115 ft. Splendid throw, but condition not g 'nuine. Putt d a 21 lb. ball 33 ft. 7 in., and long leaped 19 ft . •1 pnl 29. Putt.eel the 2-l lb. st.on 29 ft. 10 in.; 2 lb. do., '2-t ft. 2 in. (standing style) ; 24 lb. weight, 56 ft. 1 in. (long chain attach cl) ; and high leap, 5 ft. 3 in. Running. 167
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