Scientific Athletics
July 12-17.-16 lb. ston ', 39 ft. 5 in. ; l lb. do., 3' it. ; 22 lb. do., 32 ft. 6 in. ; 16 lb. hammer, 10-l ft. 9 in. ; 1 ' lb. do., 98 it. 10 in. (not genuine) ; 24 lb. weight, 54 ft. 10 in. (uphill) ; do., for height over bar, 1-l: ft. 10 in. ; and I no- leap, 19 ft. Aug. 2-5.-18 lb. hammer, 92 ft. -! in. (uphill) ; high leap 5 ft. 3 in. ; long leap, 18 ft. 9 in. ; hop, step, and leap, 39 ft. ; and 2-! lb. weight, 63 It. (chain). Aug. 6-14.-16 lb. hammer, 10-! ft. 10 in. (almo t genuine) ; 16 lb. stone, 39 ft. 6 in. (do.) ; 22 lb. cl ., 32 ft. -1 in. (genuine) ; long leap, 18 ft. 9 in. ; and 2-! lb. weighl, 631 ft. Aug. 1 .-Dunbeath Athletic ports: 16 lb. hammer, 99 it. 1 in. (4 ft. haft) ; 22 lb. shot, 32 ft. 2 in. ; high leap, - it. 2~ in.; long I ap, 17 ft. 9 in. (hard ground) ; and pole vault, 9 ft. 2 in. ---1 ug. 19. Dornoch Games: 16 lb. hamm r, 99 ft. 7 in. ; and 22 lb. ball, 32 ft. ; etc. . ep. 1.-Wick Athletic Sports: 161 lb. hammer, 9-l it. 6 in. (unfavourable conditions) ; 22 lb. hot, 31 ft. 7 in. (do.); and pol vault, 9 ft. 2 in. H.unning, etc. ·ep. 4.-Brora Athletic 'port : 16; lb. hammer, 90 ft. 7 in. (unfavourabl onclitions) ; 22 lb. hot, 32 ft. 7 in. ; and 16 lb. do., 38 ft. 10 in. ; tc. Oct.-Golspic Game : 19 lb. hammer, 9 ft.; 16 lb. sh t, 3 ft. 6 in. ; also won high leap and long leap contests (local). Principal perfm numce durinf{ 1909. errnine conditions: 9 lo. hammer, 139 ft. 10 in.; 1-! lb. do., 112 ft. 2 in.; 16 lb. do., 107 ft.; do. (comp ·tilion), 99 ft. 7 in.; 18 lb. do., 98 ft. ; 11 lb. shot, ft. ; 12 lb. do., 46 it. 11 lll. 13 lb. do., H ft. 2 in. ; rn lb. do., -!l Jt. ; 17 lb. do .. 38 ft. 11 in. ; 1 lb. do., 3 ft. ; 22 lb. do., 32 ft. 10 in.; do. (competition), 32 ft. 7 in. ; 2-l lb. clo., 30 ft.; 32 lo. do., 25 ft. 7 in. ; 24 lb. w ight, 63 ft. 11 in. (chain attached) ; do., .for h ight over bar, 1-! ft. 10 in. ; pole vault, 9 ft. 7 in. ; high I ap, 5 ft. -! in. ; long leap, 19 ft. 3 in.; and hop, step, and 1 ·ap, 39 ft. 5 in. ; al o standing long and high jump, 9 ft. 2 in. and-! ft. 2 in. resp ctively. \\'as practising cab r-tossing, . printing, 'tc., throughout. 1910. ,E 19 YE RS; \ EIGHT 10} ST. April 19.- 18 lb. hamm 'r, 95 ft. ; 1 lb. shot, 38 it.; and high l 'ap, 5 it.. 3 in. April 22-26.-1 lb. ·hot, ~{8 ft. 2 in. ; 1 lb. hamm r, 97 ft. ; long 1 ap, 19 ft. 7 in. ; (jumping into pit) ; pole ,·ault, 9 ft. 4} in. ; and hop, step, and leap, 39 (t. 2 in. May 3-10.-16 lh.. tone, 39 ft. 9 in.; 18 lb. do., 38 ft. -l in.; 22 lb. do., 32 ft. 10 in. ; 16 lb. hamm. 'r, 105 ft.; 1 lb. do., 97 ft. 11 in. ; 22 lo. do., 0 ft. 7 in. ; 2-l lo. weight, 6-1 ft. (chain used) ; long leap, 19 ft. 9 in. (almost genuine) ; etc. May 17.-18 lb. ball, 38 ft 5 in. ; 1 'lb. hamm r, 97 ft. 3 in.; hop, st p, and 1 ap, 39 ft. 7 in. ; long leap, 19 ft. 3 in. ; and 2--l ll>. weioht, 65 ft. 10 in. 169
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