Scientific Athletics

1 ap, -1-1 ft. 4 in. ; stanclin,,. long jump, 9 It. 2 in. ; do. , high jump, 4 ft. 1 in. ; and do. hop, step, and leap, 26 ft. Caber– tossing and sprintina distance varying between 50 and 150 yard throughout year. 1911. GE 20 YEARS; '\ EIGHT 10~ ST. ; HEIGHT 5 FT. 7 I . ,Vlar. 20.- Favourable weather. Had fir. t exercise in athletic to-day. Performing upon ground with a light d clivity. Re ult: 16 lb. ball, 43 ft. 6 in.; 16 lb. hammer, 106 ft. 10 in.; and 24 lb. weight, 57 ft. (no chain) . •vfar. 22.- Performing in ame place a before. Failed to cover 44 ft. with 16 lb. shot by 5 inche . High leaped 5 ft. 4 in., and vaulted 9! ft. ApYil 1.- Practising upon soft, level meadow: 16 lb. hammer, 109 ft. 5 in. ; 16 lb. shot, 43 ft. ; 22 lb. do., 35 ft. 2 in. ; and hop, step, and leap, -1-.l ft. April 8-29.- Best achievement : 1 lb. hammer, 102 ft. 3 in. ; 16 lb. do., 113 ft. ; 22 lb. do., 87 ft. 1 in. (all th throw accorn– pli h d upon ground with a slight d clivity). Putting: 16 lb. shot, 42 ft. 9 in. ; 21 lb. do., 36 ft. 2 in. ; 32 lb. shot, 29 ft. ; 24 lb. weight, 66 it. 5 in. (chain attached) ; high jump, 5 ft. 5 in. (take-off from slight elevation) ; and long leap, 20 ft. 3 in. (genuine) . May 10.- Putted 16 lb. shot 441 ft. ; the 22 lb. do., 35 ft. Sin. ; and th 32 lb. do., 29 ft. 3 in. (conditions not g nuine) ; long l ·ap, 20 ft. 7 in. (do.). May 17.- Thr>w th 16 lb. hammer 118 ft. ( lightly downhill). May 24.- Practising upon very level ground: 16 lb. hammer, 112 ft. ; 16 lb. ball, 42 ft. 3 in. ; 24 lb. do., 32 ft. 10 in. ; and long leap, 19 ft. IO in. lvlay 26. Favourable day. thletics: 16 lb. hammer, 115 ft. 6 in.; 16 lb. shot, 39 ft. 5 in. (:tanding style); 56 lb. weight, 25 ft. 6 in. ; do., p ndulum sty! , 19 ft. 7 in. ; 32 lb. weight, 50 ft. (no chain) ; and high leap, 5 ft. 4 in. lvlay 31.- Thr w th 16 lb. hammer the great di lance of 120 feet. llad thr throws exactly this distance. id d by wind, and ground sli •htly downhill. June 3.- alm evening. Threw th hammer 11 ft., in sam · lance as before. overed 56 it. with a 34 lb. missile; and putted the 22 lb. shot 36 ft. June 5. Putted the 16, 18, 22, and 32 lb. shots the re p ctiv cli. tance of 42 ft. 2 in., 40 ft., 35 ft. in., and 29 it. 10 in. (ground not level). Had thr e hammer-throws, th r pectivc di ·tance being 114 ft. 7 in., 117 ft., and 116 ft. 10 in. June 10.-Wa practising upon very level ground. H.c ult: 16 lb. hammer, 113 it.; 16 lb. shot, 41 ft. 11 in.; long leap, 19 ft. 9 in. ; and pol vault, 9 ft. ~ in. 172